Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week 11

I have been going through a lot of changes this week!  Daddy thinks my hair is getting lighter and Mommy agrees.  I am attempting to stand on my feet but am way wobbly.  Mommy says I look like the guy from There's Something About Mary, Tucker(the guys on the crutches).  My eyes used to be more gray but are turning more dark brownish. 

Daddy likes to put me up in the air and bring me down(gently of course) and I smile and give him a little laugh when he brings me down.  I am starting to play more on my own, lying in my crib watching my friends turn round and round on the mobile.  I usually only last about 10 minutes.  I smile and coo at my friends but when they stop moving, I yell at them to move again!  I hear things more clearly and get startled by very loud sudden sounds.  I think that I recognize Mommy's voice as well!  I am better at turning my head and can bring my hands together.  I am getting really good at putting my entire fist in my mouth.  Drooling is one thing that I am doing that my parents wish I wasn't!  Maybe teeth are coming soon??  I love to talk to people and to my toys.  I have a lot to say like someone I know(Mommy!).

 If I am really exhausted, I sometimes put myself to sleep but not enough for Mommy and Daddy to get some rest!  I am starting to get into more of a routine, sleeping about 6-8 hours straight at night, starting between 8 and 9 pm.  I usually get up between 3 and 4 to eat again and go back to sleep for another 4 hours!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Hike

Today, Mommy, Daddy, and I went on my first hike.  We went close by to a park called Saxon Woods.  We went for a short hike, two miles long.  Daddy carried me around in a Jeep carrier where I was looking out and attached to his chest.  I was mesmerized by the trees, the leaves and the sun shining through them.  It was fun!  About half way through, I fell asleep, so calmed by nature!  All in all, my parents thought it was a success!!!  Unfortunately, there are not pictures because Mommy forgot to bring the camera.  Oops!!  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Almost 10 weeks old!

I have recently discovered that I can put my fists in my mouth!  Dexterity in the hand movements is starting!  I prefer having my right fist in my mouth but if the left one happens to come across my mouth, I will not refuse it.  Mommy and Daddy started reading books to me too.  I have sat through two books so far.  Its going to be a night time ritual before bed.  Also this week, Mommy played my Baby Einstein DVD on the laptop for me a few times.  I watch about 10 minutes of it before I get either bored or overstimulated!  It gives Mommy just enough time to take a shower!  I am very very smiley and am starting to develop more of a routine in terms of eating and taking naps during the day. Mommy and Daddy have an easier time now figuring out what I need and want.  I started to sleep in my crib too this week.  Apparently, I talk in my sleep, just like Mommy does sometimes.  I sleep with my mouth wide open like Daddy does.  We both cannot breathe well through our noses!  I snort a few times before I cry because I can't get enough air in!  I am attempting to roll over but only can get on my side going towards the left.  I am becoming quite the big girl!  

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Round of Shots

Daddy and Mommy took me to the doctor today for my 2 month check up.  I also had to get my first set of shots.  Yikes!  Mommy was VERY nervous for these.  According to the doc, I now weigh 10 pounds 7.5 ounces and am 22 3/4 inches long.  I am in the 50% percentile for head circumference, 40% percentile for length and 50% percentile for weight.  Doing fabulous!

I got 3 shots(2 in the left leg and one in the right) and a had to drink something.  All of these covered a rotavirus shot, hep B, tetanus, Dtap, Hib, IPV, and some other stuff that I don't understand.  I was in shock and cried really hard but only for a little while.  My face got as red as a tomato.  Daddy was there comforting me during while Mommy comforted me afterwards.  I fell asleep very soon after the shots and stayed asleep for a long while.  The doctor says that I may get a slight temperature and/or get fussy so my parents should give me baby tylenol to help with both.  My doctor also said that Mommy shouldn't be waking me up in the middle of the night to feed anymore because I can be sleeping through the night without eating now!  What a big girl I am becoming!!!

Some things that I recently starting doing include sucking on my fists or thumbs and being awake for longer during the day.  I stopped using my swaddle blankets and can sleep for long periods of time without them!  I think I know who my parents are because when I am with someone new or someone I haven't seen in a while, I stare at them and act very interested and calm.  I love staring at the sky and trees when I am outside.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things that I love

Now that I am way more alert, there are things that I really love and love to do!  For one, I love my swing because it makes me sleep and become calm and it has a monkey and toucan attached to it that I love to stare at.  I love to listen to white noise to help me sleep.  I love this rattle that Marisa(my future babysitter) got for me that is triangle shaped and has all sorts of circular disks attached to it.  I love when someone plays with my legs and feet and arms.  My Vo, Zia, and Mommy are really good at stretching my arms and legs and making them move.  I especially enjoy when my Mommy makes me go "running".  Daddy says I have good soccer legs because I am always kicking when I am content.  The changing table is one of my favorite places to be.  I love to be changed out of my dirty diapers and have conversations with whoever is changing me.  I do a lot of kicking there too!  Bathtime is also a favorite.  These days, because I am still too small, I bath in my tub which is placed in the kitchen sink!

Sometimes I wake myself up from my farting and pooing.  And NOT in a good way.  I cry and scream because it bothers me so.  One thing I do not get from my mother, enjoying the farting and pooing.  Maybe when I get older I will learn to appreciate it more but for now, it hurts and sucks!

Yesterday, I slept for the first time without being swaddled.  I wore my feetie pajamas and slept all night without once having to get into my straight jacket to feel calm!  I am becoming such a big girl these days!