Sunday, November 22, 2009

14 months

In my explorations, I have learned to do things that my parents are not finding so fun!  They include:

- discovering the books on the bookshelf.  I like to take them off one by one and stack them on the floor.  More like throw them.
- climbing onto adult chairs
- coloring on my own(on top of the table and not the paper!)
- saying no
- cries and runs away when someone says its night night time

To much of my parents surprise, there are a lot of things I have learned that they love!  They include:

- fetching things for people when they ask for it
- going over to the speakers when music is turned on and dancing
- trying to put my shoes on myself
- sleeping without my pacifier at night!
- when someone sings the clean up song, I clean up for a short while
- can into and out of a toy car by myself
- throwing the football on the ground, covering it with my blanket and tackling it
- walking down the stairs holding onto something and someone
- singing along with someone
- saying bye bye, plane, no, ice, yea, mama, ow
- backing up to sit on someone else's lap
- clinking cups when someone says cheers
- when someone tells me to say sorry, I give hugs and lean into them, especially after I get in trouble for something
- playing by myself with my stuffed animals
- can manipulate stickers and tape
- walking on tippy toes
- throwing things into the garbage and hamper(appropriate things!)
- singing the a and c in abc song
- wearing necklaces
- sleeping on my stomach with my butt up in the air

Big events:
- My cousin, Nicholas' birthday party was great fun.  He had it at his home in Goshen.  There were lots of kids, projects, and fun driving cars.
- Mommy started back at work after a great summer together.  Boo hoo!
- First Jets game where I wore my first Jets jersey(courtesy Scott!)
- Meeting Cassady for the first time and going to the Bronx Zoo.  The World of Birds exhibit was really fun because in parts of the place the birds flew around and weren't caged!
- Had my first tasted of cannellini and kidney beans in chili and my first taste of escarole.  Loved the escarole!

13 months

Busy as a little bee!  Turning one year old is like being in the fast lane!  I am learning so much and exploring the world around me like a maniac!  Here are some fun things I have been able to accomplish this month:

- crawl under peoples legs when they are propped up on a table.
- climbing onto low standing chairs and on top of people
- patting people on the back when they hug me or snuggle with me.
- put my hands upward when someone asks me, "What is that?"
- bounce while sitting
- put my fingers in the holes of CDs
- stomp in place when I am excited
- dumping a package of markers and putting them back in the case(Mommy can get me to eat more while I do this because I am concentrating so hard on the task at hand).  I also do this with the contents of anyone's wallet.
- try to snap my fingers
- sing along to songs on the radio(not on beat and very monotone!)
- points to people she knows when you say their names
- pretend to be an airplane flying(arms out behind me)
- can blow kisses when Mommy sings the Korean kissing song, and do the movements to Twinkle Star and San Tokki
- march
- shimmy from side to side
- can turn bottle caps and knobs(but not good enough to fully open anything!)
- clean with cloths or paper towels
- play in my new play kitchen(pretend to make soup and taste it)
- turn while pushing stroller or any push toy
- put coins in a piggy bank
- can understand words in Korean and English.  I learned the word head.  Can answer yes or no questions when asked

Food I have enjoyed include:
- eel
- other types of fish
- peanut butter
- honey graham crackers
- animal crackers

Big events during this month:
- Had a bad case of roseola.  I had a bad fever for like 4 days which was followed by a bad rash for 4 days.  I was SUPER grumpy and my parents were very patient with me, especially my Mama.  She was very worried about me because I lost my appetite and didn't want to drink anything.
- I fell off of the couch and went head first into the coffee table then fell onto the floor.  Mama was asleep and Dada was watching me.  He felt so bad!  I thought floor was a lot closer to my feet then it really was!
- Elmo Says is my favorite book.  I love when Dada reads it to me.  
- Halahbuji came over to babysit me by myself for the first time.  He took me to the park and let me eat whatever I wanted!