Wednesday, February 17, 2010

16 months

I am quite a talker.  Wonder where I get that from?  I understand both Korean and English but usually respond in English.  Here are some words I can say now:

- baby, book, mine, outside, hello, pee pee, 
- i know
- cheese(for the camera)
- gui(ear in Korean)
- kyoo(thank you)
- pease (please)
- bye bye(I like to say this when it's time to go to bed)
- night night(sometimes I ask to go to bed!)
- ohba(jacket in Korean)
- juice, bed, up
- I dunno
- Ee(teeth in Korean)
- Ice shay(ice cream)
- Imoo(Aunt Olivia)
- Joo joo(pacifier in Korean)

I am big into pretend play.  Here are some things that I mimmick or really do!

- putting on makeup
- wiping my nose with a tissue
- coughing and covering my mouth with my hand
- cooking: putting the sauce into a pot, mixing it, tasting it, covering the pot, washing dishes, filling pots and pans with "water"
- doing yoga poses, particularly downward facing dog

I love to get into things.  Some examples include:
- turning on and off the stereo and tv
- putting in a DVD in the X-box
- jumping on the blown up Aerobed

15 months

It is amazing how fast time is flying by....I am capable of so much more and am eager to show it off!  Here are some of the things I can do now:

- I can say the words apple, nonna, nonno, shoe, mah-she-suh(tasty), ball, ppo-ppo(kiss), wah wah(water), whoa(especially when I am about to fall), more, moon.
- I can build with Legos(have to push the down to make sure they get connected just right)
- I can walk while riding on my toy fire truck.
- I can put up my pointer finger to show the number one.
- I can close doors.
- I can build with wooden blocks and then make them fall!!
- I can hit someone in retaliation.
- I can pull people out of my chair when they are sitting in it.  My chair!

Some things that I have thoroughly enjoyed include:

- My first camper trip in Uncle Licky's new camper.  We went to the Berkshires.  It was cold but quite enjoyable..especially with the heater running!  I had fun playing with Alessio, going apple picking, and hitting the outlet stores!  
- Love to put on other people's shoes.
- Love to try on other people's necklaces...especially sparkly ones!
- Tried my first lollipop.  Delicious!  In the spirit of Halloween, I had to try some real high fructose corn syrup!  Celebrated Halloween with Uncle Licky, Alessio, and Susie in Rhode Island.  We went trick or treating with them and Alessio's cousins, Maggie and Ryan.  I loved riding around in the radioflyer so much that I didn't want to get out at all!
- Hanging out with Jane and Chris at their house to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby girl Meyer.  I had fun playing with Jake Hocheiser!
- Favorite books include Good Night Moon and Good Night Gorilla.  Dada tells the latter story very well!