Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 16-17

Its been a busy few weeks for me!  I had a nice visit with Heather and Chris.  Heather is Mommy and Daddy's friend from college.  If it weren't for her, they would not have met and I would not exist.   My Vo went to Argentina and came back to visit me on her first day back in the States.  I didn't have any anxiety with her like before and played so nicely with her.  I even stayed alone with her while Mommy went to the mall!  I also behaved well at my babysitter, Marisa's house.  I call her Nonna!  

Halloween was at Aunt Kathleen's house.  I dressed up as Yoda, Mommy was Princess Leah, and Aunt Kathleen was a doctor.  Daddy sucked the fun out of Halloween and didn't dress up at all!  Uncle Al was working and hung out with us later.  Mommy and Aunt Kathleen were a bit crazy and got overly excited whenever the door bell rang with trick or treaters.  They were giggly and loud.  I did not know what the heck was going on!

Daddy, Mommy, and I went hiking in Saxon Woods again.  This time, there were so many leaves on the ground that whenever we walked, they made lots of noise.  I couldn't stop staring at Daddy's feet when they made the crunching sounds.  

I got my skin tag removed.  Mommy took me to the appointment.  Mommy thought that it would be a pretty painless, easy procedure so she didn't ask Daddy to take off of work to come.  Boy was she wrong!  There was a HUGE needle that was pierced through the skin tag to numb it.  Three people were holding me down including Mommy.  I don't know which was worse, two strangers holding me down or the needle in my ear!  Then the doctor cut it off with something that looked like a cigar cutter.  Mommy was trying to hold it together but lost it at the end and cried with me.  She felt so bad for me but said I was a trooper!

I am accomplishing a lot more these days.  My eyebrows are getting darker but my hair is definitely lighter.  I grab toys with my feet on my play mat.  My hands grab whatever is in front of me now, no exception.  They always make it immediately into my mouth too.  Hands are a big favorite.  I make complaining/whining noises.  I know what the bottle and breast are.  As soon as I see them, I immediately stop crying because I know I am going to get fed.  I lift my legs up a lot now and grab at people's faces.  Peekaboo is a game that totally grabs my attention now and I smile whenever someone plays it with me.  I grab the pacifier out of my mouth, play with it, and then try to stick it back in my mouth, sometimes with no success!  Daddy likes it when I sit around with my hands in the shooting gun position.  He thinks its funny.  I am giggling so much more now.  Mommy and Daddy really had to work for it before but now its easier to make me giggle.  I love it when Daddy says hee hee in a high pitched voice.  That makes me crack up!  Its not as funny when Mommy does it.  My feet still don't touch the ground when I am sitting in my bouncing chair but instead of two layers of books under my feet, there is only one!  Either I am getting longer or fatter!  I am usually all smiles!

It was Mommy's first week back at work.  Daddy stayed home with me all week.  I went to Nonna's house a few times and did great!  I did misbehave one time though....Daddy was showing me a plant on the book shelf and I grabbed it, pulled, and down it went onto the ground.  Dirt everywhere.  Oops!  Despite that, Daddy gave me a 10 out of 10 for the week!!!  We had lots of fun together....going for walks, hanging at home(the weather was icky) and making a coffee cup with pictures of me for Mommy!