Monday, August 2, 2010

23 months

- First World Cup: wore either jerseys or colors of teams of my family
- "I don't like suppa ball!"
- jumps like a frog and says ribbit
- see you later alligator(to daddy). no mommy, that's daddy
- likes to make coffee with daddy in the morn
- builds tracks for cars with blocks and drives cars on top
- please I want____ please I want_____please!
- loves the song I'm Yours by Jason Mraz and Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keyes
- recognizes the letters B, O, and W.
- can sing the whole alphabet song and twinkle star by herself

21-22 months

- loves lying in grass
- bossy

- puts on own shoes and takes them off
- takes off jacket alone
- recognizes others feelings
- unscrews caps
- when she does something by mistake she says oppisee

20 months

- does pee pee on the potty for marisa

- what that, what this, what that sound, 

- stalls going to sleep by pouting, refusing to brush teeth, saying she wants to stay on the couch

- recognizes orange, green, blue, purple

- likes to play with the makeup at cvs

- size 4 diaper

- calls people poo poo, tells them to move, and says dont touch me.  don't walkt to me when she is upset

- the end

- recognizes home

19 months

- gets embarrassed when she poops.  doesnt want you to be near her.

- privacy

- first throw on the floor screaming tantrum

- sitting at the end table in bed room like a desk working

- fakes getting hurt or fake cries

- talks to her stuffed animals like they are people

- makes cookies with playdoh and beads(bakes them in microwave and carries them around with her mitt

- knows certain pages in books and reads them

- wanted to take hama for a walk, not her baby

- pay poh, wait(with the pointer finger), keen(kathleen), hide.  strings words together(help me up, i don't want that, i want this, i want to see), habitat, kim chi,

- counts from 1-10

- starting to know colors...knows blue very well, can pick out green, purple, orange but can't say it when you ask what it is.  can repeat all the other colors but has no clue

- talks to herself in the mirror

- knows her colors(sort of)

- recognizes A, B, C

- i love you song to go to sleep every night(lily sings it too!)

18 months

- a vocabulary of around 80 words

- says Paul not nice

- i-l-y

- hop like a frog


- says too bad, over there, right there, not nice, 

- stranger danger

- lets me hold other babies

- pretends to read aloud

- pretends to cut with knife and fork, using a cutting board

- says ciao, nada, firefly, star

- laughs at things that are wrong(hitting)

- looks at me when she knows something is wrong to do

- first haircut

- strings 2 words together

- cantaloupe, smoothie(mango, banana, pineapple)

- inez visits

- uses a fork and spoon completely independently

- can walk up and down the stairs with minimal help

- can sing ABC, Twinkle star, eensy spider

- can do farm animal and shape puzzle by herself

- starting to get interested in private area

- hides in closet

- 22 lbs 5.5 oz, 33 inches long- great visit. charmed everyone, cried only a little while after 2 shots, doc says her vocab is advanced

- pretends to drive

- says hama, i want this, butterfly, lily, zoe

- says thank you and please without prompting

- closes doors and says bye

- pretends to cut with knife and cutting board

- make it funky(thought he said monkey)

- why with scrunched face

- pretends to cut finger and toe nails

- shrugs her shoulder when she doesn't know

- said first full sentences i love you and i want elf

- puzzles

- starting recognizing letters and talks about letters when she sees them.

- when she gives something or does something to someone, she has to do it to everyone.  

17 months

- loves elf

- pretends to clean with a cloth

- likes chicken fingers

- pretends to brush teeth, needs toothpaste(spits)

- pears

- stacks cups

- pepper and salt shaker

- grabs crotch and says peepee when she pees or poops

- says cha, tree, balloon, 

- says right back, ohba, 1234(in both english and korean), where are you, 

- loves the movie elf

- can point to objects she knows in books

- pretends to make coffee in her kitchen

- can unscrew caps

- she gallops in place when she is excited

- paints with watercolors

- tickle game with tree

- not scared of santa clause

- pours into cups in the bath

- likes tandoori chicken

- plays tea, put baby night night

- loves baby its cold outside, santa clause coming to town, jingle bells

- waits to leave apt for dada and mama together

- meow for cat

- says snow, sorry, elf, cry, why, eat, sock, all done, lily, wow, meow(cat), i don't know, where are you 

- has to look out the window when it snows

- takes book off of shelf, reads aloud, and makes a pile

- interested in toilet paper

- one to one correspondence(points to each persons cup and says whose it is), if one of us doesn't have any of what the other two has, she questions it

- calls for mama or dada to show what she is doing or wearing

- told me she wanted to go outside, said it was too cold, and she said ohba

- put a ball under dada's shirt and said baby

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

16 months

I am quite a talker.  Wonder where I get that from?  I understand both Korean and English but usually respond in English.  Here are some words I can say now:

- baby, book, mine, outside, hello, pee pee, 
- i know
- cheese(for the camera)
- gui(ear in Korean)
- kyoo(thank you)
- pease (please)
- bye bye(I like to say this when it's time to go to bed)
- night night(sometimes I ask to go to bed!)
- ohba(jacket in Korean)
- juice, bed, up
- I dunno
- Ee(teeth in Korean)
- Ice shay(ice cream)
- Imoo(Aunt Olivia)
- Joo joo(pacifier in Korean)

I am big into pretend play.  Here are some things that I mimmick or really do!

- putting on makeup
- wiping my nose with a tissue
- coughing and covering my mouth with my hand
- cooking: putting the sauce into a pot, mixing it, tasting it, covering the pot, washing dishes, filling pots and pans with "water"
- doing yoga poses, particularly downward facing dog

I love to get into things.  Some examples include:
- turning on and off the stereo and tv
- putting in a DVD in the X-box
- jumping on the blown up Aerobed

15 months

It is amazing how fast time is flying by....I am capable of so much more and am eager to show it off!  Here are some of the things I can do now:

- I can say the words apple, nonna, nonno, shoe, mah-she-suh(tasty), ball, ppo-ppo(kiss), wah wah(water), whoa(especially when I am about to fall), more, moon.
- I can build with Legos(have to push the down to make sure they get connected just right)
- I can walk while riding on my toy fire truck.
- I can put up my pointer finger to show the number one.
- I can close doors.
- I can build with wooden blocks and then make them fall!!
- I can hit someone in retaliation.
- I can pull people out of my chair when they are sitting in it.  My chair!

Some things that I have thoroughly enjoyed include:

- My first camper trip in Uncle Licky's new camper.  We went to the Berkshires.  It was cold but quite enjoyable..especially with the heater running!  I had fun playing with Alessio, going apple picking, and hitting the outlet stores!  
- Love to put on other people's shoes.
- Love to try on other people's necklaces...especially sparkly ones!
- Tried my first lollipop.  Delicious!  In the spirit of Halloween, I had to try some real high fructose corn syrup!  Celebrated Halloween with Uncle Licky, Alessio, and Susie in Rhode Island.  We went trick or treating with them and Alessio's cousins, Maggie and Ryan.  I loved riding around in the radioflyer so much that I didn't want to get out at all!
- Hanging out with Jane and Chris at their house to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby girl Meyer.  I had fun playing with Jake Hocheiser!
- Favorite books include Good Night Moon and Good Night Gorilla.  Dada tells the latter story very well!