Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3 Years Old

I have  a great sense of humor and am a talkative kid!  Some funny and cute things I have said include:

* "Mommy, I want to stick my fingers up their butts too."- about two finger puppets
* "I need this to quad my lutes and to do some scrunches." - as I grabbed a heavy book.
* After not eating a variety of foods that Mommy prepared for breakfast, she said she was going to throw it out and I said, "Don't tell Daddy."
* "Mommy, when you grow down you will be a kid and when I grow up, I will be a mom."
* After Mommy said, "Son of a......"  I said, "Nutcracker".
* Because I wanted more gummy vitamins, I told Mommy and Daddy, "I have been coughing a lot so I really need to eat this vitamin."
* After Daddy farted, I said, "You've got to be kidding me.  Knock it off!"
* Me: "Mommy, I want some juice please." Mommy: "But you still have grape juice in your juice box." Me: "I don't want grape juice anymore." Looking at the carton, Mommys sees a pic of an octopus so she says, "It is not grape juice, it is octopus brain juice. It is so yummy. Drink it!" Me:"No, I am allergic to octopus brain juice."
* "Mommy, you are my best friend.  Give me a hug."
* Mommy: "Lily, I love you. Do you love me?" Me:"Yes, Mommy. I do. And I will save you from the monsters under your bed."
* Mommy got mad at me so she said, " Lily Seol-Hee Obligado, you stop that right now!" So I said, "Mommy Angie Cha Obligado, I don't like that either."
* Me: "Cars like to drink gas and people like to drink beer, right Mommy?"  Mommy:  "Not all people like to drink beer, Lily.  Me: "But Daddys do."
* Me: "Mommy, look at my peanuts."  Mommy was confused because there were not peanuts and I was pointing to my pants.  So I said, "Look, my pants are making a peanuts."  Mommy finally got it and said, "Oh, your pants are making a penis?"  Me: "Yes, Mommy."
* "Lily is going to pee in her pants.  I really can't handle that."
* Mommy was goosing my butt and I said, "Mommy, I want to do that to you."  She said no.  So I said, "Why Mommy?  Do you have hair on your butt?"
* Daddy was talking too loudly to the baby so I said, "Hey!  Stop yelling at my baby!"
* Daddy and I were watching t.v. with women dancing at Radio City Music Hall and I told him, "Don't look at women."
*Daddy informed Mommy that on the car ride over to pick Mommy up from school, I said,"Mommy can't pick me up because she has a baby in her belly. But Daddy can pick me up because he only has beer in his belly."

Some favorite foods of mine include:
- sushi(california rolls, tuna, and white fish, salmon roe)
- chocolate ice cream
- guacamole and chips
- nutella or peanut butter on sliced bread
- cantaloupe
- shrimp
- chicken nuggets and fries
- anything chocolate
- rice and seaweed
- edamame
- rasberries
- pasta

Some of my favorite things to do:
- watch movies
- play Just Dance 2 on the Wii
- play with my fake sushi set
- do puzzles
- play fungooms on the computer
- draw on my mommy's Nook
- color and paint
- help my mommy and daddy wash dishes
- play with Griffin, Avery, and Zachary at school
- read books aloud to mommy and daddy
- sing to myself
- write my name( the y gives me trouble though)
- listen to Katy Perry(Baby You're a Fireworks)
- play with my Daddy and my dollhouse
- take showers instead of baths
- go to Trader Joe's and eat their free samples(no matter what it is!)
- play teacher
- watch Anne Burrell and pretend to cook like she does on t.v.

Some great things that have happened to me:
- first play dates with Evan and Ty
- meeting Santa at school for the first time
- getting a trumpet and a trombone from Santa
- riding my bike and scooter on my own.
- learning to use chopsticks
- getting a new baby sister or brother
- ice skating for the first time(and LOVE it!)
- seeing the Statue of Liberty for the 2nd time!
- first time in a hotel on a trip to Montreal
- my Statue of Liberty birthday party
- Brownie Bear from school came to visit my house two times
- got my first pet, my goldfish, Dorothy