Sunday, November 22, 2009

14 months

In my explorations, I have learned to do things that my parents are not finding so fun!  They include:

- discovering the books on the bookshelf.  I like to take them off one by one and stack them on the floor.  More like throw them.
- climbing onto adult chairs
- coloring on my own(on top of the table and not the paper!)
- saying no
- cries and runs away when someone says its night night time

To much of my parents surprise, there are a lot of things I have learned that they love!  They include:

- fetching things for people when they ask for it
- going over to the speakers when music is turned on and dancing
- trying to put my shoes on myself
- sleeping without my pacifier at night!
- when someone sings the clean up song, I clean up for a short while
- can into and out of a toy car by myself
- throwing the football on the ground, covering it with my blanket and tackling it
- walking down the stairs holding onto something and someone
- singing along with someone
- saying bye bye, plane, no, ice, yea, mama, ow
- backing up to sit on someone else's lap
- clinking cups when someone says cheers
- when someone tells me to say sorry, I give hugs and lean into them, especially after I get in trouble for something
- playing by myself with my stuffed animals
- can manipulate stickers and tape
- walking on tippy toes
- throwing things into the garbage and hamper(appropriate things!)
- singing the a and c in abc song
- wearing necklaces
- sleeping on my stomach with my butt up in the air

Big events:
- My cousin, Nicholas' birthday party was great fun.  He had it at his home in Goshen.  There were lots of kids, projects, and fun driving cars.
- Mommy started back at work after a great summer together.  Boo hoo!
- First Jets game where I wore my first Jets jersey(courtesy Scott!)
- Meeting Cassady for the first time and going to the Bronx Zoo.  The World of Birds exhibit was really fun because in parts of the place the birds flew around and weren't caged!
- Had my first tasted of cannellini and kidney beans in chili and my first taste of escarole.  Loved the escarole!

13 months

Busy as a little bee!  Turning one year old is like being in the fast lane!  I am learning so much and exploring the world around me like a maniac!  Here are some fun things I have been able to accomplish this month:

- crawl under peoples legs when they are propped up on a table.
- climbing onto low standing chairs and on top of people
- patting people on the back when they hug me or snuggle with me.
- put my hands upward when someone asks me, "What is that?"
- bounce while sitting
- put my fingers in the holes of CDs
- stomp in place when I am excited
- dumping a package of markers and putting them back in the case(Mommy can get me to eat more while I do this because I am concentrating so hard on the task at hand).  I also do this with the contents of anyone's wallet.
- try to snap my fingers
- sing along to songs on the radio(not on beat and very monotone!)
- points to people she knows when you say their names
- pretend to be an airplane flying(arms out behind me)
- can blow kisses when Mommy sings the Korean kissing song, and do the movements to Twinkle Star and San Tokki
- march
- shimmy from side to side
- can turn bottle caps and knobs(but not good enough to fully open anything!)
- clean with cloths or paper towels
- play in my new play kitchen(pretend to make soup and taste it)
- turn while pushing stroller or any push toy
- put coins in a piggy bank
- can understand words in Korean and English.  I learned the word head.  Can answer yes or no questions when asked

Food I have enjoyed include:
- eel
- other types of fish
- peanut butter
- honey graham crackers
- animal crackers

Big events during this month:
- Had a bad case of roseola.  I had a bad fever for like 4 days which was followed by a bad rash for 4 days.  I was SUPER grumpy and my parents were very patient with me, especially my Mama.  She was very worried about me because I lost my appetite and didn't want to drink anything.
- I fell off of the couch and went head first into the coffee table then fell onto the floor.  Mama was asleep and Dada was watching me.  He felt so bad!  I thought floor was a lot closer to my feet then it really was!
- Elmo Says is my favorite book.  I love when Dada reads it to me.  
- Halahbuji came over to babysit me by myself for the first time.  He took me to the park and let me eat whatever I wanted!  

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

12 months

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!

I am one years old now.  What a big girl!  I have learned a lot of skills this month and have had many adventures.  

I hated whole milk when Mama first gave it to me.  She tried giving it to me in the sippy cup and I would just throw it on the floor.  She tried to mix it with formula and it was a no go.  She gave it to me in the bottle and that was alright.  Mama is smart though and read somewhere that the milk was maybe too thick for me so she watered it down and gradually added more milk until there was no water.  In a week she got me to drink milk out of a sippy cup!  No more bottles for this big girl!

Mama and Dada turned my car seat around in the car because I am one year and 20 pounds(not to mention 29 1/2 inches long).  I absolutely loved it.  We left Vo's house at around 8:30 at night that day.  My parents thought I would go to sleep because it was past my bedtime, but because I was so excited to see everything in front of me, I stayed awake for the whole ride home!  I am particularly obsessed with traffic lights and point the out all of the time.

My first Fourth of July was quite memorable.  Mama and Dada took me to my first carnival in Mamaroneck.  Even though I couldn't ride any rides, I had my first ice cream cone which was delicious!   My actual birthday was spent at the beach with my parents.  We went to Sherwood Island park and had a cookout by the beach.  I loved sitting on by the shore playing with the rocks and sand.  Vo got me new beach toys and I was able to drag the shovel back and forth on the sand.  When we got home, Mama and Dada gave me my first cupcake.  I took one bite of the frosting and decided that I didn't like it and ran away!

My first birthday party was after my actual birthday, on July 11.  My parents threw me a party at Saxon Woods Park right by where I live.  Mama created projects for all of the kids to do(foam magnets, play doh, coloring, marble painting).  There was a playground next to our site where we all played and had a fun time with a flower pinata.  All of the kids could collect their candy and prizes in their buckets that Mama spent a lot of time decorating.  We ate many awesome foods provided by many people who care about me.  Mama's friend Trisha made the beautiful cake!   I got many nice gifts including dolls, toys, clothes, and a mini sofa from my Zia and Uncle Serge.  

I can understand a lot of words now including hi, elmo, sit down, throw, hands up, come here, pot belly, head, give me and many others in both Korean and English.  I can say hi, dada, and elmo.  Some things I like to do include pretending to talk on the phone, put shoelaces(and of course keys)in holes, pointing out Elmos everywhere, pretending to feed people or dolls with a spoon and bowl, turn my hands upward when I don't know something or hear a weird sound, blow on things that are hot, cry in happiness(esp when I see my lovey), hold onto rails when I go up and down stairs, point at airplanes in the sky, point to things or whine when I want them or nod yes or shake no to get things I want, blink before intentionally dropping things on the floor, copy other people when they do something, walk all the way around the kitchen, read Brown Bear Brown Bear and Polar Bear Polar Bear books by Eric Carle, crossing my fingers on both hands at the same time, sing Wheels on the Bus and do the motions, make blubbering sounds with mouth and one hand,  get off of sofas feet first, lift one leg up as a sign to others that I want to get up onto something, play with adult shoes, speak in gibberish, make a stressed out look when I am confused or upset, drag lovely around after I get up in the morning or after a nap, whine when its night night time, help empty the dishwasher, start to climb on things but can't quite to it all by myself.

I went to the zoo with Mama's friends, Nicole, Amanda, Courtney and my friend, Ava.  We had a fantastic time eating lunch at the zoo, watching the seals, and hanging out at the Children's Zoo.  The prairie dogs and birds were the most fascinating to me.  Also, I got to hang out at Amanda's house and have pizza there.  I loved Amanda's parents, Stan and Lorraine!  They are great!  

I had my first bad fall after falling off of the couch and going head first into the coffee table.  My one year check up with the doctor went well.  Had to get more shots and get blood drawn to test for lead poisoning.  It was the worst day ever.  I kept staring at the band aid on my arm and crying from the awful memory.  The doc says that I am 50% for height, 25% for weight, and 90% for head circumference.  Big head!  Dada says its for my big brains!  

Mama, Dada, and I went to Buffalo this month.  We stayed with Aunt Leigh and Uncle Tom.  Aunt Mary and Jane babysat for me while my parents went to a wedding.  I got sick right before the trip with my first real fever(103) but got better in Buffalo.  Aunt Mary and Jane fed me pizza and my first taste of buffalo wings.  I liked dipping the chicken in blue cheese!  Hanging out in Leigh's hammock and walking around her neighborhood was a lot of fun.

I now eat on plates and in bowls!  Some new foods I tried this month include:
- pesto pasta
- whole plums
- OJ
- spicy dumplings
- kim bap
- croissants
- bacon
- egg and cheese tortilla
- jah jang noodles
- ice pops
- rice and seaweed(LOVED IT!)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

11 Months

As I approach the big 1 year mark, I am learning more and more about myself.  I am becoming much more mobile(much to Mommy and Daddy's dismay) and am very curious.  My curiosity along with my observant behaviors can lead to some funny and troublesome times!  Here are some things that I have mastered this month:

1) I make some more sounds!  I can say yuh yuh.  I can click my tongue and make funny sounds by yelling and slapping my hand over my mouth at the same time!

2) My receptive language is surely impressive.  I understand so much more now!  When my folks as me a question, I nod yes.  When Mama says blow kisses, I place my hand over my mouth and push it off!  I understand both English and Korean.  When someone says give me in Korean, I know exactly what to do.  When Mama says, "Where is Dada?" and he is not home, I look at the front door, waiting for him to walk through it.  I get it when someone is chasing me and says, "I am gonna get you!"  I try as fast as I can to run away but my brain is too fast for my feet!  When Dada reads to me and counts the objects, I point to each thing also!  I love to point to the penguins when Dada is counting them in the book, Rainbow Rob.  I also like to point at my favorite things in the book.  

3) I have learned to communicate with people also.  I point to things that I want and when I get them, I clap to relay the message that they got it right!  To show people that I am happy, I clap.  I tell people I am sad for them when they are sad by crying when they cry.  

4) My gross motor skills have also gotten stronger.  I can get on my tippy toes which is helpful when I need to look at something that is higher up than I want it to be.   I can turn while walking to change direction.  I like to try to put on Mama's shoes but haven't quite gotten the hang of it so I just carry them around, along with any other clothing of hers that I can get my hands on.  I like to check out my feet while I walk.  It is quite fascinating.  It is a great thing to look up now.  I have discovered that there is more to life then what is just in front of me!  I am great at throwing things now.  Especially when I am not hungry anymore...I throw my food on the floor!  I also like to throw balls which my father would rather me kick!  Also, throwing is necessary for me when I need to switch the key that I am holding in my hand on my mother's key chain which contains many keys!   This is necessary for me to get the right key to try and put into the keyhole in the door.  Dragging my blanket(my lovely) around with me wherever I go in the house is a favorite pastime as well.  I finally learned how to get up from a lying down position to sitting up then standing.  This has helped me to stand up in my crib now.  I walk completely on my own now, going from room to room.

5) Here are some discoveries I have made about myself: 
- Velcro is fun to pull apart.
- Bubbles are fun to eat off of my hand in the tub.
- 4 teeth coming in at once is no picnic in the park.
- To get someone to give me what they are eating, all I have do to is smack my lips          
           together and stare intently.
- Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear and Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See 
           are my new favorite books.  They sound like songs to me so I dance to them.
- I like to put small items into containers.
- My memory is developing.  I remember people and places I have seen before(the stream 
           by my house at the park is fun to throw stones into)
- I like to draw with crayons and occasionally take a bite out of them.
- Now that I have top teeth and bottom teeth, I like to grind them.
- I like to play with pots and pans, banging spoons on them.
- When I go for walks, the animals around me(birds, dogs, cats) excite me.
- I am all about my Dada.  I could care less about Mama!

6) I have gained 19 and a half pounds so far.  Here are some things that have helped to contribute to my weigh gain and that I thoroughly enjoyed or tried for the first time:
- ravioli
- cookies
- ice cream

I had a great time hanging out with Alex Lowe and his family this month.  Aunt Kathleen, Mama, and I drove down to Long Island to see them.  We also met Alex's grandparents and cousin, Joe Joe.  They had so many toys to play with including a toy kitchen with toy kitchen utensils and cookware.  I loved pretending to cook, mixing with spoons in a pot!  The start of pretend play!  Mama says that this is a sign of intelligence!  GO me!

Friday, July 3, 2009

10 Months

My personality is shining through this month!  I recognize more things and am able to do so much more!  Here are some things I learned about myself this month:

- I can pat my tummy with both of my hands.
- I back up when I am unsure of someone or something.
- I can roll and throw a ball.
- I can free up my hands by placing whatever is in my hands into my mouth.  I like to clap them while I do this!
- When Mommy or Daddy chase me, I run away!
- I close doors and can open them if they are open a crack.
- I can walk and hold things at the same time.  Walking around while drinking my bottle is fun!
- I can knock on the door(more like slap it).  I understand what knock means!
- I like to put my fingers in holes.  I also like to take the key and put it in holes.  I have a slight key obsession.
- I pretend to brush my hair or talk on the phone.  A lot of things look like brushes or phones!
- I tried coloring with crayons but am not that great at it yet!
- I love when Mommy sings the chicken dance and does it with me!
- I can squat on the floor.
- I can take things out of a container and put them back in(socks are my particular favorite at this point).
- While sitting, I can rock back and forth.  Mostly I like to do this to music!
- I understand the word shake and shake whatever is in my hands(especially noisy things).
- Everything circular is a button that looks like it needs pushing!
- I like to say dat dee dee dat, za, sa, de
- When I want someone to pick me up, I go in between their legs and hug them.
- When someone has glasses, I like to take them off and try to put them on myself!
- I wave hi to many people who walk by.
- I can stop myself in the middle of walking.
- If I drop something, I look under things to find them.
- I understand the word share in Korean.  My first Korean word that I understand.  Joo say yo!  I like to share whatever toys or food I have.  I like to feed people!
- I can get up from the ground without reaching up and holding onto something.  I can get up from a squatting position to standing.
- I can also go from standing to sitting.
- I like to pull hair, especially long hair!
- I can open and close some containers.  I like to dump whatever is in them.
- I like to throw things.  Especially when I am done eating something or drinking something!
- I like to pull apart magnets that are stuck together.
- I know who Dada is.  My first word!
- When Mommy or Dada build something, I like to knock it down.
- Even though I like to walk on my own, I still like fingers and furniture to help me cruise around.

Some new foods that I have tried include:
- red peppers(not my fav)
- grilled cheese or melted cheese on bread(awesome!)
- cheerios(so fantastic!)
- edamame(what asian doesn't like soy?)
- nectarine
- tortilla
- asparagus(it's green so its great)
- brussel sprouts(I can take it or leave it)
- anything green I pick out first!

There were several big events  this month, including my very first camping trip.  It was so much fun!  Before going up to the campsite, we broke up the trip by staying over at my cousins' house.  My first sleepover with them!  My parents' friends Jane, Chris, Liz, Marc, Milo, Trisha, Youn, Justin, Joanne and Marc's sister went camping with us.  Jane told us that she is having a friend soon for me to play with!   Some people brought their dogs and I just loved them.  They let me pet them and pull on their tails.  They did bark a lot but it didn't bother me.  Everyone would tell them to shush and I learned how to shush also!  We had a campsite by the lake which is where we hung out the most.  Dada taught me how to throw rocks in the water which made me laugh so hard!  I didn't sleep that great at night because it was so cold and I wasn't used to sleeping outside.  But all in all I had a fantastic time being in the outdoors!  

It was my Mama's first mother's day.  I made it special my getting her some bling...diamond earrings!  I also helped Dada make her a card.  A picture of myself with my refridgerator magnets spelling out "I luv mom".  She loved it all!  I like to make her happy!  We went to the botanical gardens in the Bronx.  The flowers were lovely and it ended up being nice day!  We also hung out at my Vo's house to celebrate Mother's day!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

9 months

There are many things that I am discovering about myself these days.  For one, I hate when anything is on my head.  I pull hats right off!  When I catch anyone eating anything, I only have to smack my lips together to get them to feed me what they are eating.  I love to eat!  It helps to gum my tongue when my teeth are bothering me.  I can use my finger and hands not to pick up even the tiniest of things, particularly crumbs, garbage, or plant leaves.  Ficus leaves from my ficus plant make me barf when I eat them(but I always try to go back for more).  It makes my parents happy when they cheer for me and I cheer(or make a similar sound) with them!  Hands can also be used for ripping up tissues or paper.  Sometimes paper tastes good!  I am kind of done having my diaper changed.  There is just too much to be done!  I got my first tooth, on the bottom left side of my mouth.  It is very helpful when I am eating or destroying things with my mouth.

I have also realized that I can do the following things:

- rub or bang whatever is in my hands on the floor(back and forth- DVDs and markers are quite nice for this purpose)
- open and close the eyes of a blinking doll
- wave bye and hi
- smile with squinty eyes(people seem to get a real kick out of this one!)
- drinking from a straw(although I like it when Mommy puts some water or juice in it and puts it in my mouth for me rather than me having to suck it out of the cup!  Blowing out is fun because it gets Mommy all wet!)
- dance when music comes on or when someone sings or someone says dance
- cruising(walking along furniture)
- going over to something I want that is on the floor and instead of picking it up(too hard just yet), I kick it over and over again until someone else picks it up for me
- opening and shutting small containers
- drink from a cup....messy though! Water is just refreshing and delicious!
- pat my belly(Daddy likes to do this on himself too!)
- FIRST STEP ALONE!!!  A week later, I took 3-4 steps alone! 
- if I need to get up from sitting position, I just grab someone's hands to help me!
- pushing a shopping cart toy Daddy got me
- hand things to Mommy or Daddy when they need it
- scoot on my butt
- push off of whoever is holding me to tell them I want to get down!
- mimic some behaviors and sounds
- get from sitting down position to stomach(hate being on my stomach though!)
- stick my fingers in any kind of hole or opening

At the beginning of the month, I had a play date with Andrew Mak and parents.  We went to the diner for some lunch and then hung out at my place.  Andrew is a nice boy!  He let me hug and kiss him and I shared my toys with him.  I am surprised Daddy let me be so loving!  I also had a great doctor's visit(no shots this time thank goodness!).  I am not 17 lbs and 12 oz and 27 inches long!  Big girl!

On Easter Sunday, I went to brunch with my great grandma Lilian, Vo, and Tati.  I had some sausage which was quite tasty.  Some other new foods I have tried this past month include Chinese food(loved the chicken with string beans of course), ice cream(I think my Mommy isn't suppose to let me have this-  it was fantastic!), cantaloupe, strawberries, garbanzo beans, beef, meatballs, broccoli, green beans and zucchini.  String beans are my all time favorite!  I will forgo any other food on my high chair if I see something green!!!

I went to my first Earth Day festival at Kensico Dam.  There was a band playing(my very first concert) and a lot of different stands with food and green information.  I loved the NY grown cheese and NY make pickles(my first!).  We played a bit of soccer on the field and went for a nice long walk around the dam.  It was a beautiful day for the festival!

Went to RI again for visit my man, Alessio and his parents.  We had a great time hanging out at the beach(a record 80 degrees that weekend!), eating on the deck, playing in the backyard, and hanging with Alessio's aunt, uncle, and cousins, Maggie and Ryan.  It was my first time at the beach and I am quite sure I like sand.  I got scared to stand in it and was very hesitant to touch it as well.   Maybe next time it will be better!  Alessio introduced me to cars and trucks which I loved to drive around on the floor.  I liked them so much that he gave me one to take home!  Also, Mommy bought me some....who says girls can't play with cars and trucks!??!

Mommy had a book fair at school.  She bought me a few books and her students did as well!  It was so nice of them to think of me!  I got a few touch and feel books which I love and a few books for when I am older.  One girl even gave me her books from when she was little because she felt so inspired to help me with my reading!  Thanks!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

8 months old

I am discovering so many things about myself.  I love to kick a soccer ball around when someone is helping me to walk.  Dada loves that I love this!  I can use my hands to feed Mama my toys or my food.  When I am on my tummy, which I hate, I can push off of the ground with my hands which makes me a lot happier to be on my stomach.  Sometimes when I do this, I can get onto my knees, almost in crawling position.  I will rock back and forth but no real crawling just yet.  I don't spend as much time on my tummy to get to that point.   I love to stand and hold onto something and have become a lot steadier as this month as gone by.  Mama says I am brave like my Imoo because when I go to fall, I don't get scared.  Walking around holding onto someone has become a favorite pastime this month!  Dada says I walk funny because of being in my walker.  I lean my torso forward too much because I think I am in my walker!  My tongue likes to stick out from time and time and I discovered that I can gum on it to make my teething hurt less.  Mama and Dada have belly buttons!  I like to stick my finger in them!  They make funny noises when I do it too!  I know how to tell Mama when I don't like something.  I shake my head and say "Nanananananananana!"  My parents don't like this, but I have learned to use my hands to hit myself in the head as well.  When someone says clap, clap, clap, I now know to clap my hands together!  I like to clap when I am happy about something as well.  I know high five as well!  When Dada reads to me, I can turn the pages for him!  I get very impatient though and want to turn the pages before he is done reading the words!   The buttons on the remote are pretty when I push them.  They turn red!  I am a really big girl now because I got my first big girl car seat!  It is brown and mint green and HUGE!  Mommy and Daddy couldn't take it anymore, putting me in my bucket seat car seat.  I would protest and thrust my hips/legs forward, making it impossible for them to put my in my car seat.   Not to mention, I would scream like a banshee!  When I get really upset, I only want Mama!  I laugh out loud when I see the puppets on my Baby Einstein DVD.  If I have a diaper full of pee, I will not poop in it.  I will poop immediately after I am placed into a clean diaper!

Many events happened that are the talk of the town these days!  I went to my first St. Patrick's Day parade with  my parents where we met up with Uncle Al and Aunt Kathleen.  I met Aunt Kathleen's sisters there.  We also went over to Aunt Kathleen's house for some great corned beef and cabbage(neither of which I had!).  I went to my first trip to the zoo, the Bronx zoo with Uncle Licky and Alessio.  We went to the petting zoo and the Madagascar exhibit.  I just stared at the animals in awe!  Went on the swings for the first time and I absolutely loved it!  It was so much fun!  I giggled and kicked my legs furiously out of excitement!  The week of my Mama's birthday, I had a really rough week of sleep.  Either growing pains or bad teething.  My parents are glad that it was only a week and not a new phase!  My Vo and Tati came to babysit while my parents went out for my Mama's birthday.  Vo went to show me some pictures on the bookshelf where there was a nice hanging plant as well. I pulled on it and the whole thing fell on the floor.  There was dirt all over my head, as well as Vo's.  And this all happened 10 minutes before Mama went to pick up Dada at the train!  Yikes!

Some things I like to eat:
- pizza crust
- cheese
- baked french fries
- avocado(Finally!  Mama thinks that I just need time to enjoy certain foods.)
- black olives
- broccoli
- chicken
- turkey
- bread

Some things I don't like to eat:
- pastina
- cottage cheese

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weeks 34-35

Accomplishing a lot these days!  I love to bang my toys together or take my bottle and bang it on my high chair!  When I don't do that, I bang my hands on the toys.  I like to growl and imitate other people when they clap hands or wave to me.  When Mama asks me where Dada is, I search around for him, looking back and forth.

For Daddy's birthday, I took a big poop in the tub.  Mommy refused to clean it so Daddy had to!  What a nice present!  Sometimes, I want to get down so I push off of whoever is holding me.  I forget that I can't use my arms or legs to get around though!  Whoops!  I am teething badly these days where it affects my sleeping at night.  Lucky for my parents, this is the first time this has happened and it doesn't happen very often!   I am very vocal and will sometimes voice my opinion loudly with a cry when someone tries to take away my toys or whatever is in my hands.

I am also getting picky about some of the foods I eat now  The texture of avocado and banana actually disgusts me.  When I want out of my high chair, I also voice my need for someone to pick me up!  One thing that will keep my in my high chair is the puff snacks that melt in my mouth.  I sure love those things!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Weeks 32-33

Busy, busy, busy.  That is me.  I am an active little girl.  My parents took me into NYC on the train for the very first time.  We met up with my Imoo and her friend, Diana and headed off to the Metropolitan Museum.  There was so much for me to look at!  If only I had my walker to cruise around in.  I could have done some serious damage!

Speaking of the walker, I am big trouble these days.  I am pulling on plants, trying to rip off the leaves to eat them.  They look so tasty!  The coffee table also has lots of interesting things to put in my mouth.  Like magazines, cell phones, and remote controls.  I like being right up against the TV stand, banging into the glass doors over and over again and playing with the door handles.  One time, I got a hold of a piece of paper when no one was looking and ate a part of it.  It was blue paper and my mouth had blue all around it!  Sometimes, Daddy juggles around the soccer ball and I try to chase after him and get the ball. 

We went to my Vo's house for Brazilian Carnaval.  We celebrated by dancing to music(samba of course), eating(I didn't get to eat any of Vo's delicious food), and playing with all sorts of colorful umbrellas, necklaces, and masks.   It was fun hanging out with my aunt, uncle and cousins as well as my parents and grandparents.  

I have accomplished more and more these past few weeks.  I am talking SO much more...babbling, saying dada, mama, bleh, and even making grunting noises.  Rolling over isn't as bad as it used to be although I still do not prefer it because it makes me have to be on my stomach.  I can tolerate being on my stomach a bit more but it still is sucky!  When my parents put their fingers in front of me, I grab them and pull myself up onto my feet.  Playing with Mommy's hair, banging my bottle on the high chair, and pulling my socks off then playing with my feet are some of the few shenanigans I am getting myself into these days.  I have learned to do the motions of clapping and waving but still don't get when to use them.  Mommy and Daddy now know when I am tired because I pull on my ears and make whining noises.  I can curl my tongue too!

Finger foods are on the menu!  Mommy bought me some puff snacks that melt in my mouth.  I REALLY like the point that if Mommy puts something else, like bread(which I do enjoy) in front of me, I prefer the puff snack!  Mommy has decided that those snacks will not be around during meal time!  I had my first bagel and tore it in pieces, but also managed to get a few small bites in.   I made a hug mess!   Biting down on Mommy's arms, legs, and fingers is also quite tasty.  Don't worry though, after I do it, I try to give them hugs to make them feel better.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 31

I love when Dada comes home from work.  Sometimes Mommy hears him coming up the stair before I do and says, "Is that Dada?"  I get excited just hearing the word Dada!   I can say dada, mama, uhma, ba, and wa.  But I don't really have a clue what I am talking about.  I do talk A LOT! Daddy says that I am just like my mother!  

I started walking in a walker at Nonna's.  Mommy saw me in it and decided she had to get me one so she made Dada go with her the very next day.  I love it!  But boy does it make me super tired after being in it for an hour!  

When Mama and Dada put their fingers in front of me, I grab them and pull myself up to my feet!  How talented!  The Baby Einstein video (especially the Beethoven one) is fantastic.  When its time to go night night, I cry because they turn it off!  I enjoy playing with the blinking eyes of a doll.  My pointer finger likes to poke at it over and over again.  Rolling the tongue is also a new thing that I am doing as well!

Week 30

Mommy is amazed by me every week.  I learn how to do something new.  It boggles her mind that I learn it without anything being modeled.  I just do it!   I can now grab the edge of the high chair table and pull myself up.  When Daddy or Mommy tried to put me into my high chair or Jumperoo and I don't want to be in it, I put myself into the swan dive position where my legs are tight together and pointed backwards.  It makes it impossible for them to put me down!   When Mommy places my play mirror in my lap, I like to bend all the way down and look at myself.   I love holding my own bottle now but when I don't feel like drinking anymore, I throw it away onto the ground.  

Some things I like to do now include watching Sesame Street(Elmo and Abby are my favorites), hands grabbing my face, Mommy or Daddy chasing me and saying, "I am going to get you!", and biting down on Mommy's nipples.  Mommy has decided that it is time to stop breastfeeding!

Weeks 28-29

There are a lot of things that I just love these days.  I love when Daddy and Mommy blow in my face!  I get really excited and giggle.  It feels so nice!  Strangers are not so scary anymore.  After staring at them for a few minutes, I will smile and raise my eyebrows in interest.  I am learning to ham it up and use my cuteness to get what I want!  I have always loved my parents but now I reach for them and hold on tight!  My pacifier is of course one of my first loves.   Now I know how to turn it around to get the right side of it in my mouth.   The book, Tails, is one of my all time favs now.  Daddy says I am advanced because I can read with my hand.  I like to grab at the different textures in the book over and over again!

I got my first cold ever.  Cranky, tired, and totally not hungry.  I even threw up a few times.  Miserable!  I got over it all in about a week.  I forgot about my cold when Tia Inez came to visit from Brazil.  She was so nice and I liked her immediately.  Vo, Inez, and Tati picked me up from Nonna's house and we went galavanting around the mall.   We also went to Vo's house and hung out with Dada's whole family!  Fun times!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 27

Started on oatmeal for the first time this week!  I really love it!  Tastes super yummy.  I have it every day for breakfast.  

Remember when I was telling you how I am amazed by my hands?  Well guess what they can do now?  I can wave them in the air, play with my ears, and scratch my head with them!  How useful...let me tell you, I discover new things I can do with them every day!  When I see something I want to feel, I scratch and grab at them over and over again to really get down the texture of it, especially with books!  Not only are my hands quite thrilling but my legs I noticed, can be used for jumping up and down!  Stellar!

Mommy and Daddy haven't been so happy this week because I woke up a few times in the middle of a few nights to get my needs met.  Unfortunately for me, they didn't pick me up or feed me.  I quickly learned that they were not going to play that game! 

Weeks 25-26

Things are just great lately!  I play all of the time, my parents are at my beck and call.  This is the life!  My hand/eye coordination is so much better these days.  I can rake in a small object with my fist or fingers.  When I drop a a toy, I search around for it and at times(when I want my parents to get it for me) get upset because I can't reach it.  I like to switch a toy from one hand to the other, examining its features closely.  My hands are truly amazing.  I stare at them frequently, amazed by their ability to do things!  Opening and shutting my hands are becoming a favorite thing to do around here.  I have figured out that I can use my hands to hold my bottle for a few minutes at a time.  I reach for anything in front of me but if its the bottle and I am not hungry, I certainly will not grab for that!  Duh!

I am a bit more balanced these days.  While sitting, I can look up at someone or something and not fall over!  Most of the time, I catch myself from falling backwards.  When I get really tired, I fall right over though!  I reach for things in the sitting position, grab a toy and sit right back up, without falling forward all of the way!  

I started eating sweet peas, carrots, and green beans these past few weeks.  I prefer the sweet peas!  They are one of my favorites!  Green beans are not so much but I will eat them because I want my Mommy to be happy.  

My hair is falling out in droves.  I am starting to look like George Castanza.  The doctor says this is normal.  When we went to the doc(AGAIN, UGH!) she said at 26 weeks, I weigh 15 1/2 lbs and am 26 inches in length.  Average on all accounts.  I had to get more shots which was no fun at all.  This time, I got a new shot, the flu shot.  Mommy told the doctor to hold off on the Hepatitis B shot until 9 months because she didn't want me to get too many shots in one sitting.  Glad Mommy's got my back!