Thursday, July 30, 2009

11 Months

As I approach the big 1 year mark, I am learning more and more about myself.  I am becoming much more mobile(much to Mommy and Daddy's dismay) and am very curious.  My curiosity along with my observant behaviors can lead to some funny and troublesome times!  Here are some things that I have mastered this month:

1) I make some more sounds!  I can say yuh yuh.  I can click my tongue and make funny sounds by yelling and slapping my hand over my mouth at the same time!

2) My receptive language is surely impressive.  I understand so much more now!  When my folks as me a question, I nod yes.  When Mama says blow kisses, I place my hand over my mouth and push it off!  I understand both English and Korean.  When someone says give me in Korean, I know exactly what to do.  When Mama says, "Where is Dada?" and he is not home, I look at the front door, waiting for him to walk through it.  I get it when someone is chasing me and says, "I am gonna get you!"  I try as fast as I can to run away but my brain is too fast for my feet!  When Dada reads to me and counts the objects, I point to each thing also!  I love to point to the penguins when Dada is counting them in the book, Rainbow Rob.  I also like to point at my favorite things in the book.  

3) I have learned to communicate with people also.  I point to things that I want and when I get them, I clap to relay the message that they got it right!  To show people that I am happy, I clap.  I tell people I am sad for them when they are sad by crying when they cry.  

4) My gross motor skills have also gotten stronger.  I can get on my tippy toes which is helpful when I need to look at something that is higher up than I want it to be.   I can turn while walking to change direction.  I like to try to put on Mama's shoes but haven't quite gotten the hang of it so I just carry them around, along with any other clothing of hers that I can get my hands on.  I like to check out my feet while I walk.  It is quite fascinating.  It is a great thing to look up now.  I have discovered that there is more to life then what is just in front of me!  I am great at throwing things now.  Especially when I am not hungry anymore...I throw my food on the floor!  I also like to throw balls which my father would rather me kick!  Also, throwing is necessary for me when I need to switch the key that I am holding in my hand on my mother's key chain which contains many keys!   This is necessary for me to get the right key to try and put into the keyhole in the door.  Dragging my blanket(my lovely) around with me wherever I go in the house is a favorite pastime as well.  I finally learned how to get up from a lying down position to sitting up then standing.  This has helped me to stand up in my crib now.  I walk completely on my own now, going from room to room.

5) Here are some discoveries I have made about myself: 
- Velcro is fun to pull apart.
- Bubbles are fun to eat off of my hand in the tub.
- 4 teeth coming in at once is no picnic in the park.
- To get someone to give me what they are eating, all I have do to is smack my lips          
           together and stare intently.
- Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear and Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See 
           are my new favorite books.  They sound like songs to me so I dance to them.
- I like to put small items into containers.
- My memory is developing.  I remember people and places I have seen before(the stream 
           by my house at the park is fun to throw stones into)
- I like to draw with crayons and occasionally take a bite out of them.
- Now that I have top teeth and bottom teeth, I like to grind them.
- I like to play with pots and pans, banging spoons on them.
- When I go for walks, the animals around me(birds, dogs, cats) excite me.
- I am all about my Dada.  I could care less about Mama!

6) I have gained 19 and a half pounds so far.  Here are some things that have helped to contribute to my weigh gain and that I thoroughly enjoyed or tried for the first time:
- ravioli
- cookies
- ice cream

I had a great time hanging out with Alex Lowe and his family this month.  Aunt Kathleen, Mama, and I drove down to Long Island to see them.  We also met Alex's grandparents and cousin, Joe Joe.  They had so many toys to play with including a toy kitchen with toy kitchen utensils and cookware.  I loved pretending to cook, mixing with spoons in a pot!  The start of pretend play!  Mama says that this is a sign of intelligence!  GO me!

Friday, July 3, 2009

10 Months

My personality is shining through this month!  I recognize more things and am able to do so much more!  Here are some things I learned about myself this month:

- I can pat my tummy with both of my hands.
- I back up when I am unsure of someone or something.
- I can roll and throw a ball.
- I can free up my hands by placing whatever is in my hands into my mouth.  I like to clap them while I do this!
- When Mommy or Daddy chase me, I run away!
- I close doors and can open them if they are open a crack.
- I can walk and hold things at the same time.  Walking around while drinking my bottle is fun!
- I can knock on the door(more like slap it).  I understand what knock means!
- I like to put my fingers in holes.  I also like to take the key and put it in holes.  I have a slight key obsession.
- I pretend to brush my hair or talk on the phone.  A lot of things look like brushes or phones!
- I tried coloring with crayons but am not that great at it yet!
- I love when Mommy sings the chicken dance and does it with me!
- I can squat on the floor.
- I can take things out of a container and put them back in(socks are my particular favorite at this point).
- While sitting, I can rock back and forth.  Mostly I like to do this to music!
- I understand the word shake and shake whatever is in my hands(especially noisy things).
- Everything circular is a button that looks like it needs pushing!
- I like to say dat dee dee dat, za, sa, de
- When I want someone to pick me up, I go in between their legs and hug them.
- When someone has glasses, I like to take them off and try to put them on myself!
- I wave hi to many people who walk by.
- I can stop myself in the middle of walking.
- If I drop something, I look under things to find them.
- I understand the word share in Korean.  My first Korean word that I understand.  Joo say yo!  I like to share whatever toys or food I have.  I like to feed people!
- I can get up from the ground without reaching up and holding onto something.  I can get up from a squatting position to standing.
- I can also go from standing to sitting.
- I like to pull hair, especially long hair!
- I can open and close some containers.  I like to dump whatever is in them.
- I like to throw things.  Especially when I am done eating something or drinking something!
- I like to pull apart magnets that are stuck together.
- I know who Dada is.  My first word!
- When Mommy or Dada build something, I like to knock it down.
- Even though I like to walk on my own, I still like fingers and furniture to help me cruise around.

Some new foods that I have tried include:
- red peppers(not my fav)
- grilled cheese or melted cheese on bread(awesome!)
- cheerios(so fantastic!)
- edamame(what asian doesn't like soy?)
- nectarine
- tortilla
- asparagus(it's green so its great)
- brussel sprouts(I can take it or leave it)
- anything green I pick out first!

There were several big events  this month, including my very first camping trip.  It was so much fun!  Before going up to the campsite, we broke up the trip by staying over at my cousins' house.  My first sleepover with them!  My parents' friends Jane, Chris, Liz, Marc, Milo, Trisha, Youn, Justin, Joanne and Marc's sister went camping with us.  Jane told us that she is having a friend soon for me to play with!   Some people brought their dogs and I just loved them.  They let me pet them and pull on their tails.  They did bark a lot but it didn't bother me.  Everyone would tell them to shush and I learned how to shush also!  We had a campsite by the lake which is where we hung out the most.  Dada taught me how to throw rocks in the water which made me laugh so hard!  I didn't sleep that great at night because it was so cold and I wasn't used to sleeping outside.  But all in all I had a fantastic time being in the outdoors!  

It was my Mama's first mother's day.  I made it special my getting her some bling...diamond earrings!  I also helped Dada make her a card.  A picture of myself with my refridgerator magnets spelling out "I luv mom".  She loved it all!  I like to make her happy!  We went to the botanical gardens in the Bronx.  The flowers were lovely and it ended up being nice day!  We also hung out at my Vo's house to celebrate Mother's day!