Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Weeks 23-24

Here are some more things I have accomplished, as follows:
Week 23:
I can:
          - say wha
  - roll over(although its not my favorite thing to do...have only done if a few times)
          - lift my legs in the air towards my head
          - smack things with my hands
          - admire my hands in the midst of smacking things around
          - recognize my name and turn the person saying it
  - breathe heavily and quickly when I get intensely excited
          - eat rice cereal two times a day(once in the morn and one for dinner)

Week 24:
I can:
          - say ba and ma
          - sit on my own for short periods of time(Daddy had more confidence in me and let me                   fall on my head)
          - take off something that is covering my head
          - eat flaps and tags on toys
          - keep my head level when Mommy or Daddy lifts me up to a sitting position with my     
          - eat sweet potatoes(my first veggie!)
          - hold interest in my feet(I giggle when I get a hold of em!)
  - rip Xmas wrapping paper to help open my gifts! I got a koala bear and pink Chucks from              Daddy, 2 Einstein DVDs, an ornament, and Loopapalooza from Mommy and lots of        
             other fun things!  We spent Xmas eve with Mommy's mom's side, Xmas day with 
             Mommy's dad's side, and that weekend we spent with Daddy's side.  We also got to see 
             Mommy's friends Leigh and Tom!  So many people to see and they were all so generous!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weeks 21-22

I really love it when Daddy blows in my face.  It makes me giggle!  Daddy also plays guitar for me and I watch quite intently.  I get excited over many different things and you know I am because I clap my feet together furiously!

Mommy makes me laugh by tickling me on the sides of my stomach and underneath my arms.  Sometimes she gives me zerberts in those areas and I crack up!  I also giggle when she kisses and makes noises around my ears and neck area.  Sometimes she brings me over to the light switch and I turn off the lights for her!  How talented am I?  

It was Emu's birthday and we celebrated at Halahbuji's house.  I even got to eat solid foods for the first time!  On the menu, rice cereal.  I was very confused and spit out most of it at first.  After a few days of practice though, I got the hang of it.  Mommy mixes the cereal with either breastmilk or formula to make it the right consistency for me.

I am slowly learning to sit up by myself.  I was able to do it for a few minutes.  Toppling over usually follows suit.  I drop my toys occasionally(not on purpose just yet) and look around for them in the direction of the floor or where I dropped them.  Don't have the dexterity to go searching for them as of now!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 20

The week of Thanksgiving was quite eventful!  We spent it at Zia's house this year, my very first thanksgiving dinner!  Vo, Tati, Uncle Serge, Shasha, Mimi, Uncle Jamie, Isabella, Giuliana, and Nicholas were of course in attendance.  We had a few extra special guests this year!  Daddy's cousins Harold and Henrique came from Florida to spend the holiday with us!  It was so nice to meet them!  They got me a super cool Dora the Explorer doll which I immediately placed into my mouth.  She had to be christened!  Harold and Henrique stayed at my house for a few days which was so great because I got to know them really well!  I did not have any stranger anxiety and took to them almost instantly!  While they were visiting, it snowed for the first time this year.  My very first snow!  

I am a very observant little girl and am accomplishing more and more by the minute!  I pick up toys that I see next to me and even drop the ones in my hands if I see something better come along.  Whenever I am chewing on something, sometimes I take it out of my mouth and study it before placing it back in my mouth for some more chewing.   I am actually bouncing in my Jumperoo now.  Before I would just sit in it!  I squeal in excitement as well as in fury.  Mommy says I sound like a teradactyl when I get upset!  She doesn't know which is worse, crying or the squealing in madness!  When Mommy puts me on my tummy, I still get upset but now I raise my butt in the air and squirm around.  At times it looks like I am on a surf board because I raise my arms and legs up in the air!  I am trying so hard to roll over but for now, all I can do is roll from side to side.  Smaller objects are in my sights these days so my parents have to be careful with what is lying around!

My Nonna says that I am a good baby.  Mommy and Daddy think so too!  Daddy sometimes blows into my face and I think that it is fun!  I am definitely ticklish as well....Mommy sometimes eats my stomach and neck and I giggle like crazy!  She had to be careful this week not to tickle me too much on the neck though because I developed a rash from all of the drooling that I have been doing!

Week 18-19

These days I am such a busy body!  I went to my first baptism, my cousin, Nicholas' baptism.  It was a lot of fun meeting new people.  I was on my best behavior.  Nicholas is just as big as me and he is a few months younger!  It is nice to know that he will have my back when we get older....

It was my first full week at Nonna's house this week.  I behaved very well!  Paulie was not too happy with my presence but after a few days, he warmed up to me.  Nonna said that when she told him that I was coming he said, "Oh, no!"  Ha!  I also went to the doctor this week.  He said that I am not 14 lbs, 7.5 ounces and 24 inches long!  Even though I had shots again, I was very good, waiting for the doctor(which was a LONG time) and getting measured/weighed. 

There are many accomplishments that I have made these few weeks.  I make bubbles with my mouth and spit!  I play with seltzer bottles, putting the right end in my mouth!  Mommy and Daddy appreciate that I will sit in my Jumperoo for longer periods of time.  I notice the toys and am able to play with them now!   I am VERY smiley but when I do cry, Daddy jumps up to take care of me.  I have him wrapped around my little finger!  I don't know when these darn teeth are going to come in, but I hope soon!  I can't get enough of chewing on things, especially Mommy's fingers.  I turn when Mommy or Daddy call my name because I am just that smart!   Sometimes whoever is holding me doesn't realize that I want something in my sight and I just throw myself into the direction of the thing that I want.

Mommy and Daddy are helping me to learn to roll over by making me do tummy time.  I don't like it one bit.  I get back at them by pooping 10 times a day.  Daddy especially doesn't appreciate this!  Usually after I poop a really big one, Mommy makes me take a bath because she is anal.  I play with toys in the bath now, trying to get them into my mouth!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 16-17

Its been a busy few weeks for me!  I had a nice visit with Heather and Chris.  Heather is Mommy and Daddy's friend from college.  If it weren't for her, they would not have met and I would not exist.   My Vo went to Argentina and came back to visit me on her first day back in the States.  I didn't have any anxiety with her like before and played so nicely with her.  I even stayed alone with her while Mommy went to the mall!  I also behaved well at my babysitter, Marisa's house.  I call her Nonna!  

Halloween was at Aunt Kathleen's house.  I dressed up as Yoda, Mommy was Princess Leah, and Aunt Kathleen was a doctor.  Daddy sucked the fun out of Halloween and didn't dress up at all!  Uncle Al was working and hung out with us later.  Mommy and Aunt Kathleen were a bit crazy and got overly excited whenever the door bell rang with trick or treaters.  They were giggly and loud.  I did not know what the heck was going on!

Daddy, Mommy, and I went hiking in Saxon Woods again.  This time, there were so many leaves on the ground that whenever we walked, they made lots of noise.  I couldn't stop staring at Daddy's feet when they made the crunching sounds.  

I got my skin tag removed.  Mommy took me to the appointment.  Mommy thought that it would be a pretty painless, easy procedure so she didn't ask Daddy to take off of work to come.  Boy was she wrong!  There was a HUGE needle that was pierced through the skin tag to numb it.  Three people were holding me down including Mommy.  I don't know which was worse, two strangers holding me down or the needle in my ear!  Then the doctor cut it off with something that looked like a cigar cutter.  Mommy was trying to hold it together but lost it at the end and cried with me.  She felt so bad for me but said I was a trooper!

I am accomplishing a lot more these days.  My eyebrows are getting darker but my hair is definitely lighter.  I grab toys with my feet on my play mat.  My hands grab whatever is in front of me now, no exception.  They always make it immediately into my mouth too.  Hands are a big favorite.  I make complaining/whining noises.  I know what the bottle and breast are.  As soon as I see them, I immediately stop crying because I know I am going to get fed.  I lift my legs up a lot now and grab at people's faces.  Peekaboo is a game that totally grabs my attention now and I smile whenever someone plays it with me.  I grab the pacifier out of my mouth, play with it, and then try to stick it back in my mouth, sometimes with no success!  Daddy likes it when I sit around with my hands in the shooting gun position.  He thinks its funny.  I am giggling so much more now.  Mommy and Daddy really had to work for it before but now its easier to make me giggle.  I love it when Daddy says hee hee in a high pitched voice.  That makes me crack up!  Its not as funny when Mommy does it.  My feet still don't touch the ground when I am sitting in my bouncing chair but instead of two layers of books under my feet, there is only one!  Either I am getting longer or fatter!  I am usually all smiles!

It was Mommy's first week back at work.  Daddy stayed home with me all week.  I went to Nonna's house a few times and did great!  I did misbehave one time though....Daddy was showing me a plant on the book shelf and I grabbed it, pulled, and down it went onto the ground.  Dirt everywhere.  Oops!  Despite that, Daddy gave me a 10 out of 10 for the week!!!  We had lots of fun together....going for walks, hanging at home(the weather was icky) and making a coffee cup with pictures of me for Mommy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 15

Every week, I do something different and new which makes it very exciting for Mommy and Daddy!  Daddy busted out some new toys for me, like my Bumbo chair and bouncing seat.  I like both!  The Bumbo helps me learn to sit up and sometimes I get frustrated because my arms don't clear the sides of the chair and get stuck.  Although the bouncing chair is fun, my feet can't touch the floor and unless Mommy puts the rings on the toys, I can't really reach the toys on the actual chair.  But I never cried going into either and am sure I will enjoy them more once I get bigger.

I have figured out how to put my thumb in my mouth much to my Mommy's dismay.  Sometimes I take the pacifier out of my mouth and stick my thumb right in!  Mommy tries to put the pacie back in but I got her beat....thumb wins!  Usually my index finger goes over my nose as I suck my thumb.  Mommy thinks that I will be right-handed as well.  I always go to grab things with my right hand and suck on my right thumb!   Anything I grab goes straight into my drooling mouth!

Another thing that I am starting to do but that my parents don't really appreciate is that I arch my back and throw my head and arms back when I get angry.  Its a nice added touch to the already high-pitched, loud, crazy cry that I have when I am pissed off!  

I started to visit my new babysitter, Marisa.  I will be going to her when Mommy goes back to work on November 3.  Mommy is truly sad to be leaving me.  I guess I am pretty sad too because when I went to Marisa's house twice last week, I screamed like crazy both times because I didn't really know her that well.  Mommy stayed with me both times so that I could get to know her better.  The first time, I screamed every time Marisa held me or came near me.  The second time was better.  I played with her, let her feed me, and let her put me to sleep for a nap.  Mommy is hoping that next week, when she brings me a few times without her, that I will be better!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week 14

Boy am I becoming such a big girl these days!  I am so much more coordinated with my hands.  Whenever something is in front of my hands, I can maneuver my hands to get close to it and grab it and hold onto it.  I even take whatever I grabbed and put it right into my mouth!  Watch out!  I like to grab people's hands and put them in my mouth also!  Usually before I grab an object, I stare it down very intently and purse my lips...just like Daddy does when he is playing guitar and concentrating on the music!  Another skill I have acquired is being able to sit propped up.  I also can sit in my Bumbo chair, although after 10 minutes, the enjoyment of it wears thin!

The play mat holds my interest so much more now that the mobile in my crib bores me.  I like being able to grab the toys on the play mat and enjoy the music and lights.  I swat at the toys and yell/talk to my animal friends with much more gusto than before.  I can stay under the play mat for as long as an hour now!  At times, I roll from side to side on it, sometimes forgetting that one of my hands is holding onto a toy hanging down!!!  Ha!  

I love when Mommy kisses both of my cheeks....it makes me giggle!!!  Because Mommy and Daddy take such great care of me, I have developed a bit of stranger anxiety.  I only want to be with them.  Especially when I am tired, hungry, or gasey.  My poor Vo and Tati felt the brunt of this stranger anxiety in the beginning of the week and I screamed like a mad woman when they came to babysit me so that my parents could go out.  Luckily, by the end of the week after much "vovarizing", I went to Vo and Tati with little struggle.  I even fell asleep a few times with Tati!!  I totally recognize Mommy's voice...depending on my mood, if I hear Mommy's voice, I cry for her.  As soon as I get into her arms, I become so peaceful.   When Mommy sings to me, I like to sing with her!  Whenever she sings "Pie with a Heart in the Middle", I stop fussing and listen to her with a wide-eyed look.  I love when she sings that song when its bed time!  Daddy usually puts me to bed after reading a story.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Weeks 12-13

I started only pooping every 3-4 days or so.  When I do, they are explosive!  Daddy appreciates that he doesn't have to change a poopy diaper every day but when he does have to, he needs Mommy for reinforcements! There have been a few times where laundry and a bath were necessary soon after the discovery of a VERY full diaper!  Another thing that both of my parents appreciate is the fact that I LOVE going in my crib, looking up at my mobile.  My mobile has rainforest animals that turn around and around.  It really peaks my interest, so much that I watch it for about 20-30 minutes.  I hang out there while my parents eat dinner in much needed peace and quiet!  I squeal in delight and talk to the my friends on the mobile!  I also like my play mat, but do not stay under it as long as my mobile.  I think it is still a bit too overwhelming but not as bad as it was before.  I am starting to swat at things with my hands but its not really coordinated and I get frustrated at times because I don't know what the heck is going on!   If something crosses the path of my hand, I can grab onto it, like my pacifier or the edge of my bib or my other hand!  I also like to talk to the animals on my play mat....Octotunes, my stuffed octopus that plays notes on his arms is my bestest friend.  I smile when I see him and coo at him all of the time.  Daddy plays it very well and I love it when he does!!

Speaking of the crib, I am establishing better sleeping patterns.  I usually eat between 7 and 8 p.m. and wake up once in the middle of the night to eat between 3 and 5 a.m.  Then I sleep for another 3-4 hours.  Mommy and Daddy really like that I am sleeping more through the night!  Something Mommy does not really enjoy is that I only want her to put me to bed.  When Daddy tries, I scream bloody murder!!  

I totally know who my Mommy and Daddy are.  Whenever I see anyone other than them, I study the person's face and watch them intently.  I can be a bit shy at first as well.  I studied a lot of new faces when I went to Rhode Island, my second road trip.  I had a lot of fun going to a pumpkin patch and apple picking with Alessio, Uncle Licky and Aunt Susie!  We slept over which also was a blast!

We had an appointment where I was suppose to get a skin tag removed but because of some scheduling confusion, I didn't get the procedure done.  It is rescheduled for the end of October.  Poor Daddy took the day off to be with me because he is such a great father.  But we had a nice day walking around a park in Larchmont instead!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week 11

I have been going through a lot of changes this week!  Daddy thinks my hair is getting lighter and Mommy agrees.  I am attempting to stand on my feet but am way wobbly.  Mommy says I look like the guy from There's Something About Mary, Tucker(the guys on the crutches).  My eyes used to be more gray but are turning more dark brownish. 

Daddy likes to put me up in the air and bring me down(gently of course) and I smile and give him a little laugh when he brings me down.  I am starting to play more on my own, lying in my crib watching my friends turn round and round on the mobile.  I usually only last about 10 minutes.  I smile and coo at my friends but when they stop moving, I yell at them to move again!  I hear things more clearly and get startled by very loud sudden sounds.  I think that I recognize Mommy's voice as well!  I am better at turning my head and can bring my hands together.  I am getting really good at putting my entire fist in my mouth.  Drooling is one thing that I am doing that my parents wish I wasn't!  Maybe teeth are coming soon??  I love to talk to people and to my toys.  I have a lot to say like someone I know(Mommy!).

 If I am really exhausted, I sometimes put myself to sleep but not enough for Mommy and Daddy to get some rest!  I am starting to get into more of a routine, sleeping about 6-8 hours straight at night, starting between 8 and 9 pm.  I usually get up between 3 and 4 to eat again and go back to sleep for another 4 hours!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Hike

Today, Mommy, Daddy, and I went on my first hike.  We went close by to a park called Saxon Woods.  We went for a short hike, two miles long.  Daddy carried me around in a Jeep carrier where I was looking out and attached to his chest.  I was mesmerized by the trees, the leaves and the sun shining through them.  It was fun!  About half way through, I fell asleep, so calmed by nature!  All in all, my parents thought it was a success!!!  Unfortunately, there are not pictures because Mommy forgot to bring the camera.  Oops!!  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Almost 10 weeks old!

I have recently discovered that I can put my fists in my mouth!  Dexterity in the hand movements is starting!  I prefer having my right fist in my mouth but if the left one happens to come across my mouth, I will not refuse it.  Mommy and Daddy started reading books to me too.  I have sat through two books so far.  Its going to be a night time ritual before bed.  Also this week, Mommy played my Baby Einstein DVD on the laptop for me a few times.  I watch about 10 minutes of it before I get either bored or overstimulated!  It gives Mommy just enough time to take a shower!  I am very very smiley and am starting to develop more of a routine in terms of eating and taking naps during the day. Mommy and Daddy have an easier time now figuring out what I need and want.  I started to sleep in my crib too this week.  Apparently, I talk in my sleep, just like Mommy does sometimes.  I sleep with my mouth wide open like Daddy does.  We both cannot breathe well through our noses!  I snort a few times before I cry because I can't get enough air in!  I am attempting to roll over but only can get on my side going towards the left.  I am becoming quite the big girl!  

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Round of Shots

Daddy and Mommy took me to the doctor today for my 2 month check up.  I also had to get my first set of shots.  Yikes!  Mommy was VERY nervous for these.  According to the doc, I now weigh 10 pounds 7.5 ounces and am 22 3/4 inches long.  I am in the 50% percentile for head circumference, 40% percentile for length and 50% percentile for weight.  Doing fabulous!

I got 3 shots(2 in the left leg and one in the right) and a had to drink something.  All of these covered a rotavirus shot, hep B, tetanus, Dtap, Hib, IPV, and some other stuff that I don't understand.  I was in shock and cried really hard but only for a little while.  My face got as red as a tomato.  Daddy was there comforting me during while Mommy comforted me afterwards.  I fell asleep very soon after the shots and stayed asleep for a long while.  The doctor says that I may get a slight temperature and/or get fussy so my parents should give me baby tylenol to help with both.  My doctor also said that Mommy shouldn't be waking me up in the middle of the night to feed anymore because I can be sleeping through the night without eating now!  What a big girl I am becoming!!!

Some things that I recently starting doing include sucking on my fists or thumbs and being awake for longer during the day.  I stopped using my swaddle blankets and can sleep for long periods of time without them!  I think I know who my parents are because when I am with someone new or someone I haven't seen in a while, I stare at them and act very interested and calm.  I love staring at the sky and trees when I am outside.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things that I love

Now that I am way more alert, there are things that I really love and love to do!  For one, I love my swing because it makes me sleep and become calm and it has a monkey and toucan attached to it that I love to stare at.  I love to listen to white noise to help me sleep.  I love this rattle that Marisa(my future babysitter) got for me that is triangle shaped and has all sorts of circular disks attached to it.  I love when someone plays with my legs and feet and arms.  My Vo, Zia, and Mommy are really good at stretching my arms and legs and making them move.  I especially enjoy when my Mommy makes me go "running".  Daddy says I have good soccer legs because I am always kicking when I am content.  The changing table is one of my favorite places to be.  I love to be changed out of my dirty diapers and have conversations with whoever is changing me.  I do a lot of kicking there too!  Bathtime is also a favorite.  These days, because I am still too small, I bath in my tub which is placed in the kitchen sink!

Sometimes I wake myself up from my farting and pooing.  And NOT in a good way.  I cry and scream because it bothers me so.  One thing I do not get from my mother, enjoying the farting and pooing.  Maybe when I get older I will learn to appreciate it more but for now, it hurts and sucks!

Yesterday, I slept for the first time without being swaddled.  I wore my feetie pajamas and slept all night without once having to get into my straight jacket to feel calm!  I am becoming such a big girl these days!  

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Real Bath

Now that my umbilical cord has fallen off, I can take real baths!  I used my fun bath tub for the first time last night!  It was a lot of fun and I loved it!  The water was warm and the soap smelled good and helped me to fall asleep afterwards!  Mommy and Daddy placed the tub in the kitchen sink and washed me nicely.  I didn't complain at all because I loved the feel of it!  Before, I would complain when they washed my hair but I loved bathtime so much that I didn't make a peep when they washed my head!  

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Family Time

I went to my Mother's cousins house today to see April who was leaving for college.  While we were hanging out, I was on my BEST behavior for 2 whole hours!  I hung out with Emu too!  She just got back from L.A. and bought me a bikini and beautiful white dress.  When we were at April's house we tried on the bikini!  So cute!  I was in April's mom's arms for most of the night.  I was so peaceful and loved being with her.  She is a good calming influence, not like my crazy mother!  Mommy and I got back late, like at 11 p.m. and Daddy was very sad.  He had missed us, particularly me!  He said to never be gone that long again because I am too cute to be missed like that!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Mommy took me to Amanda's house one day last week and she had a swing for her neice, Grace, there.  Mommy put me in it to see if I would like it(we don't have one at home).  I loved it!  I slept in it for 2 hours which Mommy thinks is great because I am not that great of a napper during the day these days....Daddy was skeptical.  He thought we would buy the thing and I would refuse it!  But nonetheless, as usual, Mommy was right!  I love my new swing!  

My belly button fell off today!  Exciting!  Its about bloody time because it was suppose to fall of within 7-10 days of being born!  Mommy was changing my diaper and clothes so I was naked on the changing table.  I was crying very hard because Mommy had just cleaned my umbilical cord stump with alcohol.  Mommy picked me up to soothe me and as she did that, the stump fell off.  Part of it was still attached I think because it bled a little.  That did it!  I was crying like a banshee!  Mommy cleaned it with a wet paper towel and dressed me.  What a relief that whole ordeal was over!

I am smiling so much more now, and its not just a prelude to spitting up and farting or pooping.  

Monday, August 18, 2008

6 weeks old!

I am becoming more than just a lump these days.....sometimes when I cry, my mom and dad can stop me not by the usual means(the 5 s's, swaddling, swinging, shushing, putting me on my side, sucking on pacifier) but by rattling a toy that makes noise in front of my face.  Or by talking to me.  I think I get bored and I like getting attention just like my Mommy does.  Daddy says he is in big trouble because his two girls can get whatever they want from him just by giving him cute looks and talking in a cute way(my cooing gets him every time!).  My Vo(paternal grandma) says that I am very smart because I am so alert and thinks that I will roll over any day now.  My Halahbuhji(maternal grandpa) thinks that I am very strong because when he holds me and I get upset, I throw my legs and arms out, arching my body...he feels my strong muscles doing this!  I have a better attention span, sitting in my boppy and playing for at the most 20 minutes!!!

When its time to eat, and I am crying my eyes out, my Mommy gets me ready by placing my on the boppy.  As soon as she puts me on the boppy and turns me towards her, I know its time to eat!  I stop crying almost instantly!  Also, when they shake a toy in front of me while I am crying, I get very interested in what they are doing and stop crying as well!  Mommy thought that because I now like to play with toys in front of me that I would maybe like my play mat that has toys on it and lights up.  Yea, too much stimulation for me at the moment.  Not quite ready for that yet!

I love when Mommy and Daddy talk to me....Mommy sees my eyes smiling when she or Daddy talks to me.  Sometimes I coo.  I really want to smile at them or grab their face with my hands and I try to but if only I had better muscle coordination.....hopefully within the next few weeks!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Umbilical Cord

My stump on my umbilical cord has been very stubborn.  It still hasn't fallen off and I will be six weeks old soon!  Mommy, Daddy, and I went to the doctor yesterday(who was a very strange fella- made bird whistle sounds the entire time and had lots of hair coming out of his ears) to get checked out to make sure there wasn't something wrong with me.  I am fine!  Turns out, Mommy and Daddy weren't taught properly how to clean the area so it isn't drying out as fast as it should. Now they know, and let me tell you, I HATE IT when they clean it!  It is very uncomfortable!
They weighed me at the doc's and I am now 9 pounds 4 ounces!  My legs are filling out and getting chunky!  

I am doing some more things now....I love tummy time on my boppy, I am cooing a little bit when Mommy and Daddy talk to me, and I love it when they place a toy in front of me and move it side to side.  I follow the toys with my eyes and move my head from side to side as well!  Fun!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

5 weeks old

This week is my fifth week of life.  I am starting to be awake more(which Mommy and Daddy don't really appreciate at night!).  While I am awake, I am more alert and less fussy from being overstimulated.  I feel like I can see more so there is more to look at and be aware of!  Mommy swears that I am smiling at her.  Truthfully, sometimes it is gas.  But I am smiling more when my eyes are open, not just when I am sleeping.   Sometimes when I am sleeping, I giggle out loud!

Gas is a big problem while I am eating.  Sometimes I get real fussy while I eat and Mommy has to burp me.  My burps can be very loud.  Mommy says that they sound like an old man's burps.  Yesterday I had my first explosive poop.  It went up my back and got all over the back of my onesie.  Yuck!  Mommy didn't even bother washing the onesie, she just threw it out, that's how bad it was!  Poor Daddy had to clean me up because he is on diaper duty when he comes home from work.  

Monday, August 4, 2008

My First Wedding and Road Trip!

I went to my first wedding this weekend in Buffalo, NY.  My Auntie Leigh's and Uncle Tom's!  It was a lot of fun.  I loved being in the car the whole ride up, even though the ride was about 7 hours long.  Slept the entire way only to wake up to eat!  We stayed at a house that Aunt Mary was house sitting.  I was very well behaved almost the entire weekend.  I kind of got really tired and cranky towards the end of the reception of the wedding.  I made Mommy and Daddy go home one hour early!  Mommy bought me a really nice dress to wear.  Daddy took really good care of me while Mommy was helping Auntie Leigh out this weekend!  Aunt Kathleen helped out Daddy a lot to take care of me.  

Monday, July 28, 2008

One Month Doctor's Visit

My Halahbuji, Mommy and I went to my one month doctor's appointment.  We went a week early because my doctor is going on vacation next week.  Anywho, the doc said that I am doing great!  My jaundice still looks ok, not too bad, but it will take a few months to go away.  I am now 8 lbs, 4 oz and 21 inches long.  I am becoming a chunky monkey!  My belly button is healing nicely but hasn't fallen off yet.  According to the doc, my head size is in 14 inches around which is in the 25th percentile, my height is in the 50th percentile, and my weight is in the 25th percentile.  What does all that mean?  It means I am right where I should be!!  Yea!  I behaved very well at the doctor's office, I only cried once when she looked in my ears.  No one had ever done that before so I was quite shocked!  

Friday, July 25, 2008

Week 3

I am more alert and awake these days!  I love it when Mommy and Daddy talk to me....I can stare at them for at least 10 minutes before I get overstimulated.  These days, I fight naptime and sleep because I want to stay up but am overtired!  There are times when I talk in my sleep, making all sorts of noise.  I hear Mommy used to do this and sometimes still does!  Mommy says that my legs are getting chunky...must mean I am eating well during breastfeeding.  Mommy also says that I am doing a better job at eating from her boobies!  I like to sleep with my neck all the way extended out towards my back....my parents think I look uncomfortable but I am just fine!  I also like to give my parents a run for their money at around 7 at night.....getting fussy and doing my best to keep them on their toes!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Second Week so far

Here are some things that I can do already or realized about myself:

- I can lift my head up for about 10 seconds at a time.
- I can follow objects with my eyes.
- I smile a lot when I sleep.
- I look like I am swimming with my arms when I get really upset.
- I kick my legs like I am running in place when I have bad gas.
- I pucker my lips and scrunch my nose just before I let out some poop.
- I like getting my diaper changed.  Sometimes when I am eating and I have a dirty diaper, I get really upset.  I don't like to eat dirty.
- I love sleeping in my bassinet.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Doctor's Visit

I went to see my pediatrician yesterday, Dr. Coven at the Westchester Medical Group in Rye.  When we got there, they measured my height again which was pretty much the same as when I was born.  My weight on the other hand, whoa!  All babies lose weight the first week of life.  Apparently it takes about 2 weeks after for them to gain it back.  I was 6 pounds 12.6 ounces on Thursday and now I am 7 pounds 2.5 ounces!  I gained it all back and then some in one week!  The doctor said that Mommy and Daddy are doing a good job feeding me.  I did NOT like being examined at all.  I screamed the loudest I have ever screamed in my short life thus far!  Ear deafening.

Mommy and Daddy have been telling people how good I have been.  Boy did I show them wrong last night!  Tee hee!  I gave them their first dose of colick!  I just couldn't get comfortable and wouldn't fall asleep right after I ate like I usually do.  I am more alert and just don't know how to handle it.  It all started when Mommy had to run out to Target to get more diapers.  I was so sad that I decided to teach my parents a lesson!  I was fussy and uncooperative from about 7pm to midnight or so.  Finally slept for about 4 hours, and woke up to eat.  Then I wouldn't fall back asleep for about and hour and a half.  But I felt bad so I let Mommy and Daddy sleep until about 8am.  I can't have them be to sleepy on the job!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Some more interesting facts about me....

When I am starting to slip into my food coma, and commence my sleeping process, I do something that Mommy and Daddy find very disturbing.  I roll my eyes into the back of my head so you can see the whites.  I like freaking them out.  Its fun!  Also,(and Daddy says I get this from Mommy) they call me One-Eye Lily because when I am asleep, I sometimes sleep with one eye open.  Ha!  Also, I have nasal problems just like Daddy!  We both snore pretty loudly when we sleep.

I started to poop A LOT yesterday.  I had like 6 poops!  Before that I only pooped once a day!  Mommy and Daddy were relieved to see so much poop but also kind of disgusted with me.  I am doing much better with breast feeding but sometimes give Mommy some trouble because I get gasey when I eat.  Thank goodness Mommy figured that out and now I have an easier time eating after she burps me.

Yesterday, my great-grandma, great aunt, great uncle on my Mom's side came to visit me for the first time.  They think I look a lot like Daddy.  They also said that my parents are going to be in big trouble later on because they think I will be pretty.  Don't worry Daddy, I won't be interested in boys, just studying and being a good girl!  My great aunt and great grandmother make two kinds of soup to help Mommy heal and to help her breast milk be healthy.  One was a seaweed soup and the other a ginseng chicken soup with dates.  Mommy thought both were delish!

My Immo(aunt in Korean) Olivia came to visit also and took a lot of great pictures of me and my family.  She is an artist you know!  Check them out!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Settling in at home

Mommy and Daddy sure have been busy since I came around.  Mommy is mostly in charge if feeding me( I am getting so much better at taking milk from her boobies!) and Daddy is in charge of diapering.  I think Mommy has it much better than him!

Yesterday, we went for a short walk around the neighborhood....I like my new stroller and car seat.  I can sleep in it for hours!  Today we went to the park and watched Daddy kick the soccer ball around.  I hung out in the sunshine which the doctor says is good for my jaundice, which I have a little bit of.  Mommy is still having a hard time recovering from her episiotomy so we take it easy and try not to walk for too long and always have a nice camping chair for her to sit in.  

Mommy's breast milk came in yesterday afternoon.  Boy, was she uncomfortable!  I felt bad but not really because hey, let's face it, I need that stuff!  It sure was tasty.  Once I figured out how to get it out, I have been ravenous ever since!  Mommy still gives me some formula for the jaundice though to make sure that I am getting enough fluids to get rid of it.  

Mommy said when I was inside of her that Daddy was nervous about being a father and taking care of me.  I think he is doing a wonderful job, much better than he expected I'd say.  He makes sure I have everything that I need and even tells Mommy a thing or to about parenting!!  He loves telling Mommy what to do based on what he read in all of those baby manuals.  I love Daddy....I can stare at him for a really long time because he is so ruggedly handsome.  I am definitely Daddy's little girl.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Postpartum visit at the hospital

Mommy, Daddy, and I went on our first venture out since we came home from the hospital.  We had to go back to the hospital so that Mommy and I could get checked out to make sure we were doing ok.  We met with a postpartum specialist who checked Mommy's blood pressure and asked questions about how she was healing and how the breastfeeding was going.  The specialist said when I left the hospital on Tuesday, I was 6 pounds 12.5 ounces, which is normal to lose weight in the first few days of life.  When she weighed my today, I was 6 pounds, 12.6 ounces.  They want to make sure that I didn't lose any weight and am at least starting to gain weight which I am!  

I sometimes like to suck on Mommy's breast, but mostly I want what I want and I wanted it yesterday.  Daddy says that I get that from Mommy.  Mommy can't give me the milk that I want and the mass amounts I want it in so she is feeding me some formula, breastfeeding, and pumping out the milk for me.  She is one busy lady!

The specialist also checked me out.  I have a little jaundice(another reason why Mommy had to give me some formula) but the specialist said it looks good and for my parents to keep and eye on it.  I lost a little weight(which is normal the first week) so I now weigh 6 pounds 12.6 ounces.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My First Week of Life

Hello everyone!  I am here!  My name is Lily Seol-Hee Obligado.  My parents are Angie and Andre Obligado.  I am so happy to make by debut and to meet you!  When I was born, I weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.  I was very swollen from my Mommy pushing me for 2 1/2 hours!!

Here are some fun things that have happened so far during my first week in the world.  I didn't get to go home from the hospital in style like I wanted to because my Daddy and my Halahbuhji(grandpa in Korean) had some miscommunication.  Halahbuhji was being nice and trying to take some bags home for Mommy and Daddy but accidentally took home the bag with my clothes and Mommy's clothes!  Daddy tried to call him to tell him to bring back the clothes, but he misunderstood and brought home and empty bag, thinking we needed to put stuff in it to go home.  Mommy was very disappointed but got over it.  She went home in the hospital gown and her robe and I went home with two long-sleeved onesies one, one on top and one to cover my legs!!  We both looked so funny!

When my Daddy changed my first diaper, I was in the midst of pooping.  He didn't realize until he saw some more poop come out of my butthole!!  Boy, was he surprised!  Mommy was laughing the entire time.  The excitement wasn't over yet....I peed all over the changing pad when Daddy went to get the new diaper...hee hee.  Daddy was pretty frantic if you could imagine!

I get a lot of great dreams when I am asleep.  They make me smile and even crack up a bit.  I get the hiccups a lot which Mommy tells me was the same when I was in her belly.  I sleep a lot and am starting to pee and poop a lot too.  When I am hungry, I cry like a banshee.  I like to keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes!