Saturday, May 16, 2009

9 months

There are many things that I am discovering about myself these days.  For one, I hate when anything is on my head.  I pull hats right off!  When I catch anyone eating anything, I only have to smack my lips together to get them to feed me what they are eating.  I love to eat!  It helps to gum my tongue when my teeth are bothering me.  I can use my finger and hands not to pick up even the tiniest of things, particularly crumbs, garbage, or plant leaves.  Ficus leaves from my ficus plant make me barf when I eat them(but I always try to go back for more).  It makes my parents happy when they cheer for me and I cheer(or make a similar sound) with them!  Hands can also be used for ripping up tissues or paper.  Sometimes paper tastes good!  I am kind of done having my diaper changed.  There is just too much to be done!  I got my first tooth, on the bottom left side of my mouth.  It is very helpful when I am eating or destroying things with my mouth.

I have also realized that I can do the following things:

- rub or bang whatever is in my hands on the floor(back and forth- DVDs and markers are quite nice for this purpose)
- open and close the eyes of a blinking doll
- wave bye and hi
- smile with squinty eyes(people seem to get a real kick out of this one!)
- drinking from a straw(although I like it when Mommy puts some water or juice in it and puts it in my mouth for me rather than me having to suck it out of the cup!  Blowing out is fun because it gets Mommy all wet!)
- dance when music comes on or when someone sings or someone says dance
- cruising(walking along furniture)
- going over to something I want that is on the floor and instead of picking it up(too hard just yet), I kick it over and over again until someone else picks it up for me
- opening and shutting small containers
- drink from a cup....messy though! Water is just refreshing and delicious!
- pat my belly(Daddy likes to do this on himself too!)
- FIRST STEP ALONE!!!  A week later, I took 3-4 steps alone! 
- if I need to get up from sitting position, I just grab someone's hands to help me!
- pushing a shopping cart toy Daddy got me
- hand things to Mommy or Daddy when they need it
- scoot on my butt
- push off of whoever is holding me to tell them I want to get down!
- mimic some behaviors and sounds
- get from sitting down position to stomach(hate being on my stomach though!)
- stick my fingers in any kind of hole or opening

At the beginning of the month, I had a play date with Andrew Mak and parents.  We went to the diner for some lunch and then hung out at my place.  Andrew is a nice boy!  He let me hug and kiss him and I shared my toys with him.  I am surprised Daddy let me be so loving!  I also had a great doctor's visit(no shots this time thank goodness!).  I am not 17 lbs and 12 oz and 27 inches long!  Big girl!

On Easter Sunday, I went to brunch with my great grandma Lilian, Vo, and Tati.  I had some sausage which was quite tasty.  Some other new foods I have tried this past month include Chinese food(loved the chicken with string beans of course), ice cream(I think my Mommy isn't suppose to let me have this-  it was fantastic!), cantaloupe, strawberries, garbanzo beans, beef, meatballs, broccoli, green beans and zucchini.  String beans are my all time favorite!  I will forgo any other food on my high chair if I see something green!!!

I went to my first Earth Day festival at Kensico Dam.  There was a band playing(my very first concert) and a lot of different stands with food and green information.  I loved the NY grown cheese and NY make pickles(my first!).  We played a bit of soccer on the field and went for a nice long walk around the dam.  It was a beautiful day for the festival!

Went to RI again for visit my man, Alessio and his parents.  We had a great time hanging out at the beach(a record 80 degrees that weekend!), eating on the deck, playing in the backyard, and hanging with Alessio's aunt, uncle, and cousins, Maggie and Ryan.  It was my first time at the beach and I am quite sure I like sand.  I got scared to stand in it and was very hesitant to touch it as well.   Maybe next time it will be better!  Alessio introduced me to cars and trucks which I loved to drive around on the floor.  I liked them so much that he gave me one to take home!  Also, Mommy bought me some....who says girls can't play with cars and trucks!??!

Mommy had a book fair at school.  She bought me a few books and her students did as well!  It was so nice of them to think of me!  I got a few touch and feel books which I love and a few books for when I am older.  One girl even gave me her books from when she was little because she felt so inspired to help me with my reading!  Thanks!