Monday, March 23, 2009

Weeks 34-35

Accomplishing a lot these days!  I love to bang my toys together or take my bottle and bang it on my high chair!  When I don't do that, I bang my hands on the toys.  I like to growl and imitate other people when they clap hands or wave to me.  When Mama asks me where Dada is, I search around for him, looking back and forth.

For Daddy's birthday, I took a big poop in the tub.  Mommy refused to clean it so Daddy had to!  What a nice present!  Sometimes, I want to get down so I push off of whoever is holding me.  I forget that I can't use my arms or legs to get around though!  Whoops!  I am teething badly these days where it affects my sleeping at night.  Lucky for my parents, this is the first time this has happened and it doesn't happen very often!   I am very vocal and will sometimes voice my opinion loudly with a cry when someone tries to take away my toys or whatever is in my hands.

I am also getting picky about some of the foods I eat now  The texture of avocado and banana actually disgusts me.  When I want out of my high chair, I also voice my need for someone to pick me up!  One thing that will keep my in my high chair is the puff snacks that melt in my mouth.  I sure love those things!

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