Sunday, November 22, 2009

13 months

Busy as a little bee!  Turning one year old is like being in the fast lane!  I am learning so much and exploring the world around me like a maniac!  Here are some fun things I have been able to accomplish this month:

- crawl under peoples legs when they are propped up on a table.
- climbing onto low standing chairs and on top of people
- patting people on the back when they hug me or snuggle with me.
- put my hands upward when someone asks me, "What is that?"
- bounce while sitting
- put my fingers in the holes of CDs
- stomp in place when I am excited
- dumping a package of markers and putting them back in the case(Mommy can get me to eat more while I do this because I am concentrating so hard on the task at hand).  I also do this with the contents of anyone's wallet.
- try to snap my fingers
- sing along to songs on the radio(not on beat and very monotone!)
- points to people she knows when you say their names
- pretend to be an airplane flying(arms out behind me)
- can blow kisses when Mommy sings the Korean kissing song, and do the movements to Twinkle Star and San Tokki
- march
- shimmy from side to side
- can turn bottle caps and knobs(but not good enough to fully open anything!)
- clean with cloths or paper towels
- play in my new play kitchen(pretend to make soup and taste it)
- turn while pushing stroller or any push toy
- put coins in a piggy bank
- can understand words in Korean and English.  I learned the word head.  Can answer yes or no questions when asked

Food I have enjoyed include:
- eel
- other types of fish
- peanut butter
- honey graham crackers
- animal crackers

Big events during this month:
- Had a bad case of roseola.  I had a bad fever for like 4 days which was followed by a bad rash for 4 days.  I was SUPER grumpy and my parents were very patient with me, especially my Mama.  She was very worried about me because I lost my appetite and didn't want to drink anything.
- I fell off of the couch and went head first into the coffee table then fell onto the floor.  Mama was asleep and Dada was watching me.  He felt so bad!  I thought floor was a lot closer to my feet then it really was!
- Elmo Says is my favorite book.  I love when Dada reads it to me.  
- Halahbuji came over to babysit me by myself for the first time.  He took me to the park and let me eat whatever I wanted!  

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