Monday, August 2, 2010

18 months

- a vocabulary of around 80 words

- says Paul not nice

- i-l-y

- hop like a frog


- says too bad, over there, right there, not nice, 

- stranger danger

- lets me hold other babies

- pretends to read aloud

- pretends to cut with knife and fork, using a cutting board

- says ciao, nada, firefly, star

- laughs at things that are wrong(hitting)

- looks at me when she knows something is wrong to do

- first haircut

- strings 2 words together

- cantaloupe, smoothie(mango, banana, pineapple)

- inez visits

- uses a fork and spoon completely independently

- can walk up and down the stairs with minimal help

- can sing ABC, Twinkle star, eensy spider

- can do farm animal and shape puzzle by herself

- starting to get interested in private area

- hides in closet

- 22 lbs 5.5 oz, 33 inches long- great visit. charmed everyone, cried only a little while after 2 shots, doc says her vocab is advanced

- pretends to drive

- says hama, i want this, butterfly, lily, zoe

- says thank you and please without prompting

- closes doors and says bye

- pretends to cut with knife and cutting board

- make it funky(thought he said monkey)

- why with scrunched face

- pretends to cut finger and toe nails

- shrugs her shoulder when she doesn't know

- said first full sentences i love you and i want elf

- puzzles

- starting recognizing letters and talks about letters when she sees them.

- when she gives something or does something to someone, she has to do it to everyone.  

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