Wednesday, September 30, 2009

12 months

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!

I am one years old now.  What a big girl!  I have learned a lot of skills this month and have had many adventures.  

I hated whole milk when Mama first gave it to me.  She tried giving it to me in the sippy cup and I would just throw it on the floor.  She tried to mix it with formula and it was a no go.  She gave it to me in the bottle and that was alright.  Mama is smart though and read somewhere that the milk was maybe too thick for me so she watered it down and gradually added more milk until there was no water.  In a week she got me to drink milk out of a sippy cup!  No more bottles for this big girl!

Mama and Dada turned my car seat around in the car because I am one year and 20 pounds(not to mention 29 1/2 inches long).  I absolutely loved it.  We left Vo's house at around 8:30 at night that day.  My parents thought I would go to sleep because it was past my bedtime, but because I was so excited to see everything in front of me, I stayed awake for the whole ride home!  I am particularly obsessed with traffic lights and point the out all of the time.

My first Fourth of July was quite memorable.  Mama and Dada took me to my first carnival in Mamaroneck.  Even though I couldn't ride any rides, I had my first ice cream cone which was delicious!   My actual birthday was spent at the beach with my parents.  We went to Sherwood Island park and had a cookout by the beach.  I loved sitting on by the shore playing with the rocks and sand.  Vo got me new beach toys and I was able to drag the shovel back and forth on the sand.  When we got home, Mama and Dada gave me my first cupcake.  I took one bite of the frosting and decided that I didn't like it and ran away!

My first birthday party was after my actual birthday, on July 11.  My parents threw me a party at Saxon Woods Park right by where I live.  Mama created projects for all of the kids to do(foam magnets, play doh, coloring, marble painting).  There was a playground next to our site where we all played and had a fun time with a flower pinata.  All of the kids could collect their candy and prizes in their buckets that Mama spent a lot of time decorating.  We ate many awesome foods provided by many people who care about me.  Mama's friend Trisha made the beautiful cake!   I got many nice gifts including dolls, toys, clothes, and a mini sofa from my Zia and Uncle Serge.  

I can understand a lot of words now including hi, elmo, sit down, throw, hands up, come here, pot belly, head, give me and many others in both Korean and English.  I can say hi, dada, and elmo.  Some things I like to do include pretending to talk on the phone, put shoelaces(and of course keys)in holes, pointing out Elmos everywhere, pretending to feed people or dolls with a spoon and bowl, turn my hands upward when I don't know something or hear a weird sound, blow on things that are hot, cry in happiness(esp when I see my lovey), hold onto rails when I go up and down stairs, point at airplanes in the sky, point to things or whine when I want them or nod yes or shake no to get things I want, blink before intentionally dropping things on the floor, copy other people when they do something, walk all the way around the kitchen, read Brown Bear Brown Bear and Polar Bear Polar Bear books by Eric Carle, crossing my fingers on both hands at the same time, sing Wheels on the Bus and do the motions, make blubbering sounds with mouth and one hand,  get off of sofas feet first, lift one leg up as a sign to others that I want to get up onto something, play with adult shoes, speak in gibberish, make a stressed out look when I am confused or upset, drag lovely around after I get up in the morning or after a nap, whine when its night night time, help empty the dishwasher, start to climb on things but can't quite to it all by myself.

I went to the zoo with Mama's friends, Nicole, Amanda, Courtney and my friend, Ava.  We had a fantastic time eating lunch at the zoo, watching the seals, and hanging out at the Children's Zoo.  The prairie dogs and birds were the most fascinating to me.  Also, I got to hang out at Amanda's house and have pizza there.  I loved Amanda's parents, Stan and Lorraine!  They are great!  

I had my first bad fall after falling off of the couch and going head first into the coffee table.  My one year check up with the doctor went well.  Had to get more shots and get blood drawn to test for lead poisoning.  It was the worst day ever.  I kept staring at the band aid on my arm and crying from the awful memory.  The doc says that I am 50% for height, 25% for weight, and 90% for head circumference.  Big head!  Dada says its for my big brains!  

Mama, Dada, and I went to Buffalo this month.  We stayed with Aunt Leigh and Uncle Tom.  Aunt Mary and Jane babysat for me while my parents went to a wedding.  I got sick right before the trip with my first real fever(103) but got better in Buffalo.  Aunt Mary and Jane fed me pizza and my first taste of buffalo wings.  I liked dipping the chicken in blue cheese!  Hanging out in Leigh's hammock and walking around her neighborhood was a lot of fun.

I now eat on plates and in bowls!  Some new foods I tried this month include:
- pesto pasta
- whole plums
- OJ
- spicy dumplings
- kim bap
- croissants
- bacon
- egg and cheese tortilla
- jah jang noodles
- ice pops
- rice and seaweed(LOVED IT!)

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